Scrabble Game: Special Announcement! There are so many great reasons to play Scrabble. It’s fun, and you can play comfortably indoors with your friends and family....
Almost everyone has played a video game at one point in their life. Whether it’s on your phone, on a computer, or on a gaming console....
Introducing Your Dog and Your Baby: Two Future Best Friends You know this relationship has the potential to be one of the best your child will...
When Glenneta Belford could not be found one day, there was an immediate sense of panic in the community. This California woman is 97 years old....
I have always believed that hate and greed are things that humans are taught- that they are learned behaviors- not characteristics that we are born with....
Let’s be truthful: females and minorities are at a disadvantage. In fact, unless you are a Caucasian male, you face unfair challenges. Many people simply accept...
It is incredibly easy to worry as a parent. Working parents- especially single working parents- have an additional set of worries and layer of guilt. I...
When Heidi Parker and Ed Savitt first met in college, sparks immediately seemed to fly between them. In the blink of an eye, both Ed and...
Do you remember the first home that you purchased? How about the home that you lived in the longest? For Joyce, a longtime resident of Toronto,...
While dogs may be man’s best friend, all breeds are not the same. Originating from a single common ancestor, dog breeds have changed dramatically over the...