A heartwarming tale of survival and rescue has emerged from Minnesota’s Boundary Waters, where a German Shepherd named Lessie was found after being lost for 55...
In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a heartening trend has emerged among the country’s younger generation. Millennials and Gen-Z Ukrainians, many of whom previously...
In the heart of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Upemba National Park is witnessing a remarkable transformation. Once dubbed the “triangle of death” due to...
Scientists at the University of Tasmania’s Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) are celebrating a significant milestone in their efforts to save the endangered Maugean...
Australia’s youngest Olympic gold medalist, 14-year-old Arisa Trew, didn’t just secure her place in history at the 2024 Paris Olympics – she also earned herself an...
In an unexpected turn of events, two critically endangered Przewalski’s horses have been identified after being sold at livestock auctions as common mules. This remarkable discovery...
The US women’s gymnastics team’s triumphant return to Olympic gold in Paris 2024 may have an unexpected hero – a four-year-old golden retriever named Beacon. As...
An unexpected traveler caused a stir on an Arizona interstate near Picacho when a large sulcata tortoise was discovered attempting to cross the highway. The tortoise,...
In a heartening tale of compassion amidst conflict, Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence (DIU) has facilitated the rescue and relocation of two owlets from the embattled Kharkiv region...
A heartwarming global response marked the 100th birthday of Richard ‘Dick’ Skepper, a former Royal Air Force (RAF) serviceman. Following an appeal by the RAF Association,...