A loyal rescue dog named Gita is being celebrated for saving her elderly owner’s life after leading a police officer to a remote cabin where the...
In an inspiring turn of events, a Utah County woman donated her kidney to a man she had only recently met on a hike. Krissy Miller...
Harriet, a 12-year-old from Chart Sutton, Kent, is making a difference in the lives of farm hens. Every Saturday morning, she volunteers with Fresh Start For...
Amazing human kindness helped give a six-month-old girl named Helin Dinlera second chance at life. It’s all thanks to the generosity of a stranger who responded...
A heartwarming tale of survival and rescue has emerged from Minnesota’s Boundary Waters, where a German Shepherd named Lessie was found after being lost for 55...
A momentous event in South African wildlife conservation has unfolded with the release of Charlie, the country’s last zoo elephant, into a natural habitat after 40...
The US women’s gymnastics team’s triumphant return to Olympic gold in Paris 2024 may have an unexpected hero – a four-year-old golden retriever named Beacon. As...