Agnes Denes, a renowned ecological artist, has returned to the concept that first catapulted her into the spotlight: a wheat field. Four decades after her now-iconic...
12-year-old Aubrey Sauvie is a force to be reckoned with. Despite being born with congenital limb deficiencies, Aubrey has never let limitations hold her back. From...
In a heartwarming tale that underscores the transformative power of love, a once “sad little street dog” found a forever home, dramatically altering its life for...
In a rare and profound event, the birth of a white buffalo calf in Yellowstone National Park has brought a sense of fulfillment to a Lakota...
In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have identified a marine fungus with the ability to break down polyethylene, a common plastic, when exposed to UV light. This...
A high school class president in Massachusetts, showing a remarkable sense of appreciation, decided to honor each of his fellow graduates with personal thank-you notes. This...
In a heartwarming story from Georgia, Sgt. Mark Tappan of the Alpharetta Police Department shares the incredible bond he has with his K9 partner, Mattis, in...
A family that had lost hope of ever seeing their cat again received surprising news recently. After 12 long years, their cat, Artie, has been reunited...
A diver in Florida recently made an incredible discovery while exploring the waters off the state’s coast. Kyle Lundberg, who studied marine biology at the University...
In Windsor, a group of students is making a big difference in the community. The students at École secondaire catholique E.J. Lajeunesse, part of a group...