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Fotos de aeroporto hilariante

Viajando. Deve ser um momento emocionante, já que você está indo para algum lugar excitante. Ou talvez você esteja viajando para o trabalho. O aeroporto é um daqueles lugares onde você pega pessoas fazendo as coisas mais loucas, mas hilárias. O que os aeroportos fazem com que as pessoas façam coisas que normalmente não fariam?

Vamos dar uma olhada em algumas das coisas mais engraçadas feitas no aeroporto que foram capturadas na câmera.

Desfrutando de uma soneca

Como muitos de nós chegamos ao aeroporto algumas horas antes, muitas vezes ficamos um pouco ansiosos para embarcar no avião. Imagine estar lá ainda mais por causa de uma parada? Uma mulher ficou um pouco esperta quando precisou de um pouco de sono quando foi capaz de se mover sob os braços, transformando a fila de cadeiras em uma cama para ela.

Tentando ficar confortável

Passeios de avião longos são desconfortáveis para muitas pessoas. As pessoas geralmente se levantam e se movimentam porque querem se alongar e porque o corpo delas está ficando um pouco dolorido. Uma mulher viajando tinha um travesseiro de pescoço para ajudar a ficar confortável e talvez até dormir um pouco. Mas a foto perfeitamente cronometrada pega o travesseiro de pescoço em um lugar que fez com que muitos passageiros fizessem um duplo exame.

Causando Controvérsias

Nem todas as fotos estão fazendo as pessoas rirem. Uma mulher, a piloto sueca, Maria Pattersson, tirou uma foto de si mesma em uma posição de ioga em torno da aeronave e muito perto para o conforto do motor. Muitos considerariam isso extremamente perigoso, e a foto causou muita atenção no Instagram.

Sinais Bem-vindos Unfunny

Quando se trata do aeroporto, você não pode deixar de notar todos os sinais de “boas-vindas” que as pessoas estão segurando. Uma pessoa estava cumprimentando um membro da família de maneira “criativa” com uma placa dizendo que estava sem cereal e vestida com um pijama infantil. Talvez isso fosse uma piada interna e nós apenas tínhamos que estar lá.

Sapato brilhando para aqueles em armadura

Passe algumas horas andando pelos aeroportos e você verá muitas coisas interessantes. Um negócio de aeroporto que você sempre verá é para engraxar os sapatos, e essa imagem específica levou a empresa a promover novos patamares. Duas figuras em armadura de metal são vistas sentadas em cadeiras confortáveis enquanto duas pessoas estão polindo os sapatos. De acordo com o post, os dois estavam na cidade para a Comic-Con, mas é difícil olhar para essa foto e não se dar bem com ela.

Aves em um avião

Não, esta não é uma sequência do clássico filme de Samuel L. Jackson, Snakes on a Plane. Esta é uma foto real dos falcões que fazem sua viagem em um avião comercial. A foto afirma que o príncipe saudita pagou por seus 80 Falcons para viajar entre os Emirados Árabes Unidos. Isso não aconteceria com uma pessoa normal, mas quando você é o Príncipe, muitos vão dobrar as regras apenas para você.

Diretrizes de Beijo Estrito de Adeus

Todos os aeroportos têm regras que os passageiros devem seguir. Essas regras são para manter os viajantes a tempo, sem quaisquer problemas. Ninguém gosta de drama … especialmente no aeroporto. Mas você não acha que a cidade de Aalborg, no aeroporto da Dinamarca, levou as coisas um pouco longe com essa placa do Kiss and Goodbye? Quero dizer, três minutos realmente não é tempo suficiente para um adeus adequado. Quero dizer, a maioria das pessoas precisará de pelo menos cinco minutos para dar um adeus adequado ao seu amado.

Congratulando-se com a tripulação para cumprimentá-lo

Não importa quem você é, todo mundo merece uma recepção calorosa de seus amigos, familiares e talvez até funcionários. Sim, isso significa que Darth Vader recebeu uma saudação adequada ao chegar ao aeroporto de Denver. Esta saudação incluiu até mesmo ele marchar para a “Marcha Imperial”, como todos comemoraram sua chegada. Quem sabia que Vader era tão popular? Esta é de longe uma das melhores fotos do aeroporto visto até agora. Alguém pode superar isso?

Sinal de saudação com muita informação

Sim, todos nós amamos um sinal de “Welcome Home”, mas é realmente necessário incluir de onde você vem? Claro, se é férias, você pode incluir isso. Mas prisão? Os passageiros que saem de um voo precisam realmente saber que alguém a bordo do avião estava na prisão? Isso é muita informação. No entanto, ainda é uma maneira divertida e única de cumprimentar uma casa amada.

Segurança no topo das coisas

Ir a aeroportos é um momento estressante para alguns e aterrorizante para outros que não estão acostumados a voar. Algumas pessoas precisam voar para o trabalho e estão absolutamente aterrorizadas. Os viajantes do aeroporto estão sempre dependendo da equipe de segurança para estar no topo das coisas e garantir que tudo esteja seguro e sob controle. Assim, você só pode presumir que as pessoas não ficaram muito felizes em ver que um guarda de segurança estava jogando paciência no computador quando você pode ver que as pessoas estão segurando passaportes. Este é provavelmente o único trabalho em que você deve realmente prestar atenção ao que está acontecendo e ao protocolo.

Tomando Regras Literalmente

Os aeroportos têm regras a seguir. Recipientes limpos, nada acima de um certo tamanho, nada perigoso, você sabe regras simples a seguir. Outra regra é colocar todos os seus pertences no escaninho para verificação de segurança. Isso significa apenas seu computador, jóias e sapatos. Isso não inclui seu bebê. Não se preocupe, o bebê não passou pela máquina de raios X, mas você não pode deixar de se perguntar como esse pacote adorável de alegria acabou chegando lá.

Outras fotos hilariantes incluem um homem vestido como Forrest Gump, provavelmente indo ver Jenny, uma proposta de aeroporto e um novo empreendimento comercial. Há sempre coisas hilárias e malucas acontecendo nos aeroportos. Embora a maioria dessas fotos seja feita em entretenimento puro, lembre-se de seguir as regras de segurança nos aeroportos e não causar nenhum drama ou atrasos insanos.


Daring Rescue: Duluth Firefighters Save Dog from Frigid Lake Superior

Kevin Wells



In a heart-pounding rescue mission on the shores of Duluth, Minnesota, a brave dog found himself in a perilous situation after leaping into the icy waters of Lake Superior. The daring rescue unfolded amidst eight-foot waves that crashed against the shore, creating a challenging environment for both man and canine.

The intense situation began when the adventurous dog managed to slip out of his leash, enticed by the allure of a chilly swim. Unbeknownst to the canine, Lake Superior’s vast expanse presented a danger he hadn’t anticipated. The situation quickly escalated, prompting the owner to dial emergency services.

To pinpoint the distressed dog’s location, dispatchers utilized cameras on a life bridge, offering a bird’s-eye view of the unfolding drama. The dog, buffeted by the relentless waves, struggled to stay afloat as firefighters donned specialized ice suits to brave the frigid waters.

These ice suits, designed for extreme cold-water rescues, provide a crucial barrier between the icy environment and the rescuers. Comprising layers of insulated materials, these suits not only keep firefighters warm but also offer buoyancy and protection against the harsh elements.

As the brave firefighters plunged into the turbulent waters, the dog faced the dual challenges of the waves and the numbing cold. Despite the difficult conditions, the rescue team, guided by the worried owner who remained on the shore, managed to locate the struggling canine.

The dog, large and frightened, repeatedly disappeared beneath the waves, making the rescue a daunting task. Through effective communication between the owner and the firefighters, the team successfully secured the dog by the collar, preventing him from slipping away.

Once the dog was safely in their grasp, both the firefighters and the canine were brought to safety aboard a waiting boat. The dog, now shivering and scared, received prompt medical attention. After warming up, the resilient pup even leaped happily into his owner’s car, a heartwarming conclusion to a potentially tragic event.

The Duluth Fire Department, often questioned about responding to animal-related emergencies, emphasized the significance of such actions in a Facebook post. They highlighted the deep bond between pets and their families, explaining that in their experience, if emergency responders did not intervene, well-meaning bystanders might take unnecessary risks.

The post also revealed a chilling detail: one of the dog’s owners had considered jumping into the treacherous waters. The fire department strongly discouraged such actions, emphasizing the importance of leaving water rescues to trained professionals equipped with the necessary gear.

“The Duluth Fire Department wants to stress to the public the importance of not putting yourself into a situation you are neither trained nor equipped to handle,” the post warned. “Given the wave and temperature conditions in the canal last night, anyone entering the water without the proper training and equipment would most likely have ended in tragedy.”

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Teenager Sam Sieracki Soars to New Heights, Solving Rubik’s Cube in Free Fall





Seventeen-year-old Sam Sieracki has etched his name into the Guinness World Records by solving a Rubik’s Cube while skydiving over West Australia. Jumping out of an airplane at 14,000 feet, Sam achieved the remarkable feat in just 28.25 seconds, breaking the previous record of 30.14 seconds held by Nitin Subramanian of the United States.

In a daring display of skill and concentration, Sam described the intense experience of solving the Rubik’s Cube in free fall. “It’s really intense. It’s very loud because you’ve got all the wind in your face,” Sam explained. “So it’s a lot harder to concentrate than if I’m just on the ground solving it… my record on the ground is a lot faster than in the air – it’s about 6.5 seconds.”

Despite facing challenges in the sky, Sam, who is both a speed-cuber and a skydiving enthusiast, tackled the feat with enthusiasm. It took him five attempts to surpass the previous record, showcasing his determination and resilience.

Sam, who has been attending speed-cubing competitions since 2017, expressed confidence in breaking the record but admitted that the challenge proved to be more demanding than expected. “Having attended speed-cubing competitions since 2017, I was confident about breaking the record, but it ended being far more challenging than expected and took me five attempts to achieve,” Sam remarked.

The teenager’s passion for both speed-cubing and skydiving has been a driving force in his pursuits. “I decided that I want to be a solo skydiver, so waited impatiently to turn 16 … so that I could become a licensed skydiver and go by myself,” Sam shared. “Since then, I’ve gone up to Jurien Bay every school holidays to do a few jumps, and am now up to 80 jumps in my second year of skydiving.”

Acknowledging the support of his loved ones, Sam expressed gratitude to his biggest fans and supporters, his mother and girlfriend, who encouraged him to break the world record. As a self-proclaimed rookie in the skydiving world, Sam doesn’t set grand goals but aims to continue improving his skills with each jump, all while enjoying the thrilling experience.

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Daughter Overwhelms Parents Restaurant With Customers By Posting On TikTok

Renee Yates



A seven-second video posted on TikTok by Jennifer Le has saved her parents’ Vietnamese pho restaurant from going out of business. In the video, Le showed the empty restaurant and her dad looking sad at the register. She then asked for social media’s help to keep the restaurant in business. The restaurant is in California and was doing ok before the pandemic, but has since had trouble getting customers to dine in.

The video went viral, and within hours, it had garnered millions of views and shares. People all over the world were touched by Le’s message and began sharing the video on their social media accounts. The response was overwhelming, with people expressing their support for the restaurant and their willingness to help.

As a result of the video, the restaurant was flooded with customers, many of whom had never heard of the place before. The increased business allowed Le’s parents to keep the restaurant open and the phones are ringing off the hook. The family was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and expressed their gratitude to everyone who had shared the video and visited the restaurant.

Le’s video is a perfect example of the power of social media to effect change. In just seven seconds, she was able to capture the attention of millions of people and inspire them to take action. The video also highlights the struggles faced by small businesses during the pandemic and the importance of community support in keeping these businesses afloat.

Le’s video has since become a source of inspiration for many people who are struggling with similar issues. It serves as a reminder that even the smallest actions can have a significant impact, and that we all have the power to make a difference in our communities.

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Massive Sandcastle Built by Auckland Brothers Impresses Scores of Beachgoers

Kevin Wells



When you have run out of Christmas ideas, nothing beats going to the beach and letting your creative juices flow. That’s what two brothers in New Zealand did this past Boxing Day and ended up with an amazing and eye-catching sandcastle.

After building a massive sandcastle on Boxing Day, two Auckland boys gained praise from other people around Mt Maunganui’s beach area that day.

Jared and Paul Brandon spent 10 hours that day building a two-meter-high sandcastle, beginning with a sketch of the structure “on a piece of A4 paper” and beginning at high tide. The pair plans to turn this into a Boxing Day ritual.

On Christmas Eve, the brothers started strategizing on how to top last year’s one-meter-high tower on Boxing Day 2021.

Because Jared and Paul are “very competitive,” they wanted to outdo their performance from the previous year. Before beginning their construction, the two searched online for sandcastle designs after visiting Bunnings to get tools, buckets, as well as a footrest.

Both residents and visitors have expressed admiration and astonishment at the beautiful creation.

Jared chuckles, “A guy is assessing how tall it is currently with his beach umbrella.

Jared informed the media, “This one is 2 meters, so we needed a few footstools to climb up tall enough and also used a builder’s level so it didn’t topple over.

The 150-liter pail was the biggest we were able to use, and the traditional household bucket was a fairly small one. We purchased them both from Bunnings.

Paul explains, “There are a few techniques, such as two portions of water to one portion of sand.”

Then came the spatulas to shape the windows, then toothpicks for creating the roof piles, as well as the straws for blowing off the “extra sand.”

The previous night, the two worked on it until 8 p.m., and unlike last year, it is still standing.

“Time went by incredibly quickly; it seemed like we were only at the beach for five hours, instead of ten.” “Paul spoke to the press.

He claims that while working for a California hotel plus learning how to construct sandcastles as a kid-friendly activity, he acquired the skill there about eight years ago.

“Now that he’s used that knowledge and developed it, he taught me. Therefore, for the previous four to five years, whenever we had the time, we would construct a sandcastle once a year ” says Jared.

The two, who are both camera operators, intend to go much further next year and are hoping to enlist the aid of a larger family.

We will attempt to teach my sister as well as my brother-in-law to assist us as they appear interested this year. “We are striving to dredge up more relatives to get involved in creating a village in 2023.”

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Man Finds $47,000 Historic Ring

Renee Yates



England is very much metal detector country. The land outside the big cities is stuffed full of artifacts and leftovers from ancient times, ranging from before the Romans’ arrival to the Middle Ages and more. So, it’s not surprising, with the blessing of local farmers, that many a fellow with a metal detector is out there spending a Saturday or Sunday scanning through a fallow farm field to see what might be found. As it turned out, David Board was one of those hunters, and he just happened to come across a very small gold ring in one of his ventures.

Located outside of Dorset, Board was busy scanning a pasture field and had been doing so for hours. The sun was late in the sky, and Board was about to wrap up when his machine pinged a definite metallic substance under the soil he was waving the sensor over. Sure enough, pinpointing the location and then digging specifically into that spot, Board unearthed a very small gold ring.

It was in the farm soil, the ground typically tilled for planting, but this particular field had been used for cattle instead. So, five inches underground, the ring remained until Board found it and pulled it back into the daylight. At first, he chalked up the discovery to just another piece of metal from old times, he cleared off the dirt, pocketed the ring and kept going. Then, at the end of the day, Board went home and washed off his finds in the sink. It was only then that he realized what that ring actually was.

While the method of metal detecting in England gives archaeologists utter heart attacks every time they hear a similar story, the finds are generally split between the metal detector and the farm owner, unless the farm owner just waives off the matter and lets the hunters keep whatever they find. Whichever the case in this instance, the ring was no small trinket. It turned out to be an exceedingly well-crafted and rare gold wedding ring from the Medieval period and in very good condition. To be auctioned off later this year, the find is expected to net between 30,000 to 47,000 British Pounds.

The only surprise to anyone hearing the story in England these days is why the local farmers still allow detectors to scan their fields without any stake in the finds.

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