A groundbreaking development in chocolate production has emerged from Switzerland’s Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Food scientist Kim Mishra and his team have created a...
Scientists at the University of Tasmania’s Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) are celebrating a significant milestone in their efforts to save the endangered Maugean...
In an unexpected turn of events, two critically endangered Przewalski’s horses have been identified after being sold at livestock auctions as common mules. This remarkable discovery...
A heartwarming global response marked the 100th birthday of Richard ‘Dick’ Skepper, a former Royal Air Force (RAF) serviceman. Following an appeal by the RAF Association,...
Sunisa Lee’s journey to the 2024 Paris Olympics has been nothing short of extraordinary. The American gymnast, who found herself bedridden just months ago, has defied...
It was just another night for Uber driver Danny Blanton. He pulled up to his next fare, a man named John, and started the ride to...
Visitors to Copenhagen who participate in environmentally-friendly activities, like litter picking or using public transport, can earn free food, cultural experiences, and tours as part of...
A South Texas cat sanctuary was about to close its doors when a TikTok influencer and his fans stepped in to help. The director of the...
When 34-year-old Chris Cooke told his siblings he might give up on finding “the one,” his twin brother Henry and younger brother Jamie decided to step...
Eight puppies left in the scorching Texas heat have been rescued and are now safe, thanks to some quick-thinking deputies and animal control officers. The puppies...