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Dog Breeds That Might Not Be Family Friendly

There is no such thing as a bad dog, just a bad owner. While this sentence is undeniably true, families should still be cautious in their approach to bringing in a new pup to the household. Any dog can make a great family pet, but some breeds have legitimate traits that can make them problematic for being around children. Today, we are going to be looking at 40 different dog breeds that might pose potential problems for families with small children.


Rottweilers are powerful dogs that make for great family pets. Unfortunately, they are incredibly protective and this can end up being problematic for small children. Rottweiler’s aren’t any more prone to attacking people than other breeds, but they do respond to stimuli in ways that are far different than other breeds. A laughing or screaming child could startle a poorly trained Rottweiler, thus causing them to react with violence.


Greyhounds are beautiful, calm, and slender dogs. Known for their slim build, Greyhounds require calm and quiet environments in order to live comfortably. These emotional dogs can become stressed out by rambunctious children and the results can be negative and potentially even dangerous. If you have small children, consider a different breed.

Jack Russell Terrier

While Jack Russell Terriers are small and adorable breeds, they are far from child-friendly. This breed of dog is energetic and prone to wild horseplay which can be a risk for small children. Jack Russell’s make for great family pets, just wait until your kids get a little older before you adopt a Jack Russell.


The Bullmastiff is known for being massive in size and agile on their feet. Even though this breed is known for being friendly and fun-loving, their pure size makes them a menace for families with smaller children. A Bullmastiff requires a ton of attention and playtime so if you choose to adopt one, make sure you have a large yard.


Originating from Germany, the Dachshund is known for its long, low profile. Initially bred for hunting small animals, the Dachshund can be strong-willed and tough to train. Dachsunds are also prone to suffer from ‘little dog’ syndrome where they feel like they have to establish themselves as the dominant force in the room.

French Bulldog

Despite how adorable this breed of dog is, the French Bulldog isn’t actually great for households with small children. The French Bulldog is a jealous breed that requires affection and consistent training. If not supplied, the French Bulldog can bully your children for your attention. Not a great problem to have!


Your kids may love ‘101 Dalmatians’ but that doesn’t mean that you should be bringing one home. Dalmatians are strong-willed pets that love to be active, hunt, and play games. Dalmatians have also been used as guard dogs which makes them ideal for families with older children. However, their difficulty socializing can lead to issues within the home. If you are deliberate with your training, however, Dalmatians can be a healthy addition to the home.

Saint Bernard

Made iconic by the children’s film ‘Beethoven’, the Saint Bernard is quite the popular breed! This huge dog requires intensive training and handling due to their size and energy. Like other large breeds, their sheer size makes them problematic around children.

Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher is known for its sharp profile, pointy ears, and fierce demeanor. Dobermans are used often in military service, and they require extensive exercise in order to stay happy, healthy, and content.  Doberman’s can become aggressive if they are not properly trained and their aggression is compounded by their natural strength.

Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is one of the most beautiful breeds in the world, but they don’t make great family pets when you have small children involved. With an endless supply of energy and a massive build, the Siberian Husky can cause more problems in the home than you might anticipate. When properly trained, however, they become an amazing family pet around older children.

Dogo Argentino

Some people call the Dogo Argentino ugly, but we disagree. From Argentina, this breed of dog is popular in the hunting world as well as in law enforcement agencies. This is a tough, strong-willed breed of animal that has unfortunately been appropriated for illegal dogfighting. Dogo Argentino’s are known to lash out even without warning which makes them simply too problematic to put in a home with children.

English Toy Spaniel

This small, cute breed of dog looks like it would be perfect for children. Unfortunately, the English Toy Spaniel requires much more grace and elegant handling than most little children are able to offer. The English Toy Spaniel is also prone to lashing out when they feel like they are mistreated which can be problematic for children who struggle to properly handle pets.

Staffordshire Terrier

The American Staffordshire Terrier is an intimidating breed that is stout in build and sharp in mind. When properly trained, the Staffordshire Terrier can be a lovable member of the family. Smart and active, this breed of dog can be a perfect family pet. Unfortunately, if you are not able to keep up with their rigorous exercise demands, you’ll find yourself with a dog that misbehaves around the home.

Chinese Shar-Pei

The Shar-Pei looks like a soft bundle of blankets, so why wouldn’t you want one with your children? Despite their docile demeanor and soft build, the Chinese Shar-Pei is known for being aggressive when challenged, so make sure that you spend extra time ensuring that yours is properly trained.


The Weimaraner is an agile and lithe breed of dog that needs to run every day in order to expend energy. The Weimaraner is quick to boredom and prone to troublemaking if they aren’t physically often exercised and trained meticulously.

German Shepherd

German Shepherds can make fantastic family pets when they are properly trained. German Shepherds are smart, loyal, and incredibly obedient when they’ve been trained in the appropriate way. Due to these traits, the German Shepherd can commonly be found in police academies and police departments throughout the country. Unfortunately, German Shepherd’s require a level of training that many homeowners won’t commit to.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Originally from Southern Italy, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a dominating presence with a heavy, thick-set build. The Neapolitan Mastiff is commonly used as a guard dog but due to their clumsiness and natural size, they may be problematic around small children. Not to mention, their constant drooling can be tough to keep up with.

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd’s are beautiful dogs known for their mottled coats and their use as rescue animals. This breed needs daily exercise and intense training in order to prevent any behavioral problems from developing.

Presa Canario

The Presa Canario is a large animal that can be quite intimidating at a glance. The Presa Canario was initially bred for handling livestock and their name actually translates to ‘Canarian Catch Dog’. Presas require a strong hand in the household in terms of training and they require constant exercise in order to stay happy and healthy. Consider obedience training if you want to take one of these dogs to your home.


How can a pupper so small be bad for children? Unfortunately, despite their adorable aesthetic, Chihuahua’s are stubborn dogs that can become both jealous and aggressive around children. Despite their size, this breed loves to assert dominance over everyone in the room — even children. So, take some time considering these factors before bringing a little Chihuahua home.

Tosa Inu

The Tosa Inu is a fascinating dog with an average weight of up to 200 pounds. The Tosa Inu is one of the largest Japanese dog breeds in the country, and they have a mixed history. While known for their composure, the Tosa Inu has also been bred for dogfighting which is very unfortunate. You’ll need to properly train your Tosa Inu in order to reap the benefits that their natural composure and affection can offer.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback hails from South Africa. This large and impressive breed has quite the reputation throughout SA which includes being known for attacking humans. Rhodesian Ridgebacks can look docile enough from the outside but their quick temper and unpredictable nature can make them difficult to turn into pets in a home with susceptible children.

Alaskan Malamute

This gorgeous breed is made to survive in the harshest of environments. The Alaskan Malamute is difficult to train and stubborn in the face of ‘smaller members’ of the pack. This breed also sheds a lot of fur, so you’ll have to keep up with your grooming.


The Newfoundland is one of the largest dogs in the work. Typically, black or brown, the Newfoundland is known for being a dominating presence in the home. While Newfoundlands are typically great family dogs, their size needs to be noted when considering bringing them into the home. Newfoundlands can weigh up to almost 180 lbs which can be dangerous around small children.

Skye Terrier

The Skye Terrier is a long-haired breed that was initially bred for hunting. Despite their diminutive size, the Skye Terrier is known for being aggressive as well as fearless. This breed is tough to integrate into a home with other dogs and that naturally means that they can struggle with small children.


How can such a little dog cause so many problems? The Affenpinscher is known for being curious and stubborn which makes for a tough combination to have around children. Affenpinscher’s are also quick to defend themselves when they feel threatened, even if the threat is just from a child playing near them.

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is an Italian breed of dog known for having a large and athletic body. Cane Corsos are known for being fiercely loyal and intensely protective around their family members. Unfortunately, Cane Corsos can be protective and suspicious around strangers which can make them unpredictable in certain situations.


The Pekingese looks ultra soft and cuddly, but you don’t want to let your children clutch them like a toy. The Pekingese is an independent breed that does not like to be manhandled which can be difficult to teach small children. On top of their intensive grooming requirements, Pekingese are small enough that they can be harmed by manhandling when children aren’t careful enough with them.

Great Dane

There is no mistaking the Great Dane for any other breed on our list. The Great Dane is one of the tallest dogs in the world, and they certainly leave an impression. Great Danes are powerful dogs that love to establish their dominance. If you have small dogs or small children, the Great Dane can be a natural problem in the household. However, if you raise your Great Dane from being a puppy alongside your children, you might have better luck with the breed.

Chow Chow

The Chow Chow is a large and fluffy dog, so we might naturally feel inclined to believe that they are good around children. Unfortunately, Chow Chow’s require strong leaders in the home in order to train them and keep them behaving properly. Chow Chows fall in love with the alpha in their home, and they can become very protective, even against other members of the family.


The Akita is an Eastern Asian breed that was bred initially to be a household security dog. With a strong-willed demeanor and an instinct to protect their family members, the Akita makes for a natural family pet. Unfortunately, Akita’s are known to react suddenly too loud noises and sudden movements. If you want to have an Akita at home with your children, get one as a puppy and raise them closely alongside your children so that they can get used to the behavior.

Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier is a striking breed of dog known for their sharp features and blunted nose. Small in stature, the Bull Terrier is incredibly strong and robust. Bull Terriers are independent and loyal to their owners, yet they are also stubborn and strong-willed. Bull Terriers are prone to skin allergies and need extra handling in order to ensure their proper training.

Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is a small, adorable breed of a companion dog. Initially bred for royalty owners, the Japanese Chin can be very demanding of your time and attention. If you have small children, you’ll need to balance your affection to both in order to keep the Japanese Chin happy.

American Bandogge

The American Bandog, or Bandogge, is an English breed of dog that has been around since the Middle Ages. These large animals are strong-willed working dogs that were consistently used as security dogs and family protection animals.


Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is a striking breed of dog known for its long and flowing coat. Outside of intense grooming requirements, Afghan Hound’s require professional and consistent training in order to behave consistently. This breed can be playful, but they also show signs of aggression.


It stands to reason that bringing in a half-wolf animal into your home is probably something you’ll want to be careful with. Wolfdogs are beautiful and noble creatures that have an innate wildness about them. However,  Wolfdogs have been domesticated, and they can make for loving pets. Wolfdogs need a large amount of space to play as well as professional training in order to keep their demeanor in check. With that being said, we’d never advocate bringing a Wolfdog into a home with children.

Shih Tzu

If this breed were any larger, they’d easily top our list for least family friendly breed. The Shih Tzu requires a ton of special care, and they are prone to reacting in fright when startled. Unsupervised children playing with a Shih Tzu is a recipe for disaster due to how unpredictable the Shih Tzu can be.


Fila Brasileiro

The Fila Brasileiro is as beautiful as it is intimidating. Also known as the Brazilian Mastiff, this large breed of dog has gained popularity throughout Brazil as both a security and hunting dog. The Brazilian Mastiff is massive and prone to aggression, so you’ll need a strong and steady presence in the house to make sure that they are trained.


The Basenji is a hunting dog from Africa that was originally bred to work extensively in the hunting of small mammals. Basenjis are similar to Dingoes in many aspects, and they require extensive outdoor playtime and exercise. While the Basenji is a small breed of dog, their strong will makes them tough to have around children.

Pit Bull

The Pit Bull is probably the most divisive breed of dog in the world. There are actual laws around the country that prevent owners from having this breed in certain areas. The Pit Bull has largely suffered from being illegally used in the world of dogfighting and due to the nature of their breeding, their aggression can manifest. Pit Bulls are incredibly strong and make up more than 30% of fatalities relating to dog bites. With a good owner, Pit Bulls will never be a problem. Unfortunately, there aren’t always great owners.


Highway Adventure: Escaped Sulcata Tortoise’s Journey Halted by Arizona Rescuers

Shannon Jackson



An unexpected traveler caused a stir on an Arizona interstate near Picacho when a large sulcata tortoise was discovered attempting to cross the highway. The tortoise, it was later revealed, had embarked on a remarkable journey after escaping from an ostrich ranch located approximately three miles away.

Sulcata tortoises, also known as African spurred tortoises, are native to the southern edge of the Sahara desert. These impressive reptiles are the third-largest species of tortoise in the world and the largest mainland tortoise. Known for their hardy nature and long lifespans, sulcata tortoises can live for over 70 years and reach weights of up to 200 pounds when fully grown.

The rescued tortoise’s adventure highlights the species’ surprising mobility and endurance. Despite their slow-moving reputation, sulcata tortoises are capable of covering significant distances, especially when seeking food or a mate. Their strong legs and sharp claws, evolved for digging in their native arid habitats, allow them to traverse challenging terrain – though perhaps not as safely as they might on the African plains.

Local authorities and wildlife experts were quick to respond to the unusual sight of this desert dweller on the interstate. The rescue operation not only ensured the tortoise’s safety but also prevented potential traffic hazards on the busy highway.

This incident serves as a reminder of the responsibilities that come with keeping exotic pets. Sulcata tortoises, while popular in the pet trade due to their docile nature and impressive size, require specialized care and secure enclosures to prevent escapes like this one.

The tortoise’s safe retrieval and its journey from an ostrich ranch to a major highway underscore the importance of proper animal husbandry and the unexpected challenges that can arise when managing diverse species in captivity. As the sulcata tortoise returns to more familiar surroundings, its brief highway adventure stands as a testament to the species’ resilience and the community’s quick action in wildlife preservation.

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Dinner Cruise Turns Heroic: Lost Dog Rescued Miles from Florida Shore

Renee Yates



An evening boat ride became an unexpected rescue mission when passengers and crew aboard the Sanibel Harbor Princess spotted a dog swimming alone in Florida’s waters. The canine, later identified as Ellie, was found over a mile from Fort Myers Beach on July 28, prompting a swift rescue operation.

Captain Terry Johns, a veteran of the Coast Guard, recounts the moment of discovery. Midway through the cruise, commotion erupted among guests as they noticed a small head bobbing in the water. Quick action was necessary, as Ellie was dangerously close to the boat’s rear.

With skilled maneuvering, the yacht’s crew positioned the vessel to safely retrieve Ellie. Once aboard, the exhausted but friendly dog was provided with food and water. The crew’s training proved invaluable in executing the rescue efficiently.

Post-rescue, Ellie was taken to a veterinarian for examination. Despite having a microchip, identification proved challenging due to malfunction. A crew member volunteered to care for Ellie temporarily while efforts to locate her owners continued.

The rescue story, broadcast by local news outlet WINK News, caught the attention of Ben and Kathleen Baker, Ellie’s distraught owners. The couple had lost sight of their pet during an afternoon boat outing and had spent hours searching to no avail.

Overcome with emotion, 72-year-old Ben Baker expressed his relief at seeing Ellie safe on the news. A few phone calls later, and the Bakers were reunited with their beloved pet, turning a potential tragedy into a heartwarming tale of community effort and canine resilience.

This incident highlights the importance of pet safety on boats and the impact of quick thinking and compassion in emergency situations.

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Eight Puppies Rescued from Texas Heat Will Soon Be Ready for Adoption

Kevin Wells



Eight puppies left in the scorching Texas heat have been rescued and are now safe, thanks to some quick-thinking deputies and animal control officers.

The puppies were abandoned in a carrier on a field in Tarrant County, Texas, where temperatures reached over 100 degrees. The Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office shared this on their Facebook page.

A kind person found the puppies without any water and alerted the authorities. Unfortunately, since there were no cameras in the area, it’s unlikely they will find out who left the puppies behind.

Deputies Collin Stephenson and Haley Drew from the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office, along with the Fort Worth Animal Care and Control team, rescued the puppies.

Fort Worth Animal Care and Control shared an update on Facebook, including photos of the puppies, saying, “The puppies that were rescued from a carrier in 100-degree weather by Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office are doing much better.”

The puppies, about six weeks old, are now at the Chuck & Brenda Silcox Animal Care and Adoption Center. They are believed to be shepherd mixes and have been given names after popular chip brands: Cheetos, Fritos, Ruffles, Lays Potato, Cheese Itz, Doritos, and Pringles.

Deputy Stephenson told Fort Worth Animal Care and Control that he plans to adopt one of the puppies.

The animal shelter is looking for people to foster or adopt the puppies, who should be ready for adoption next week.

Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Heat

  1. Provide Plenty of Water: Always make sure your pets have access to fresh, cool water.
  2. Avoid Midday Heat: Walk your pets early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler.
  3. Never Leave Pets in Cars: Cars can quickly become dangerously hot, even with windows cracked.
  4. Shade and Shelter: Ensure your pets have a shady place to rest if they’re outside.
  5. Watch for Signs of Overheating: Signs include excessive panting, drooling, and weakness. If you notice these, get your pet to a cool place and offer water.
  6. Limit Exercise: On very hot days, reduce the amount of exercise your pets get.

By following these tips, you can help keep your pets safe and healthy during the hot summer months.

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Diver Makes Stunning Ancient Find Off Florida Coast: ‘Very Rare’

Renee Yates



A diver in Florida recently made an incredible discovery while exploring the waters off the state’s coast.

Kyle Lundberg, who studied marine biology at the University of South Florida, was diving off Manasota Key, about 90 miles south of Tampa, when he stumbled upon an ancient mastodon tusk. He found this remarkable relic back in April while searching for fossils.

The tusk, which hasn’t been dated yet, could be millions of years old. Although he’s only 29 years old, Lundberg has been scuba diving for 12 years and has been hunting for fossils since he was “old enough to walk.”

“My dad would take us out to construction sites all the time to look for fossils as a kid,” Lundberg shared. He mentioned that while finding small pieces and chunks of tusk is common, discovering one as large and well-preserved as this is very rare. Tusks found in Florida are usually very delicate and often crumble apart.

According to the National Park Service (NPS), American mastodons went extinct around 10,500 years ago. Their fossils have been discovered across North America and Central America, from Alaska to Mexico. Despite what some people might think, mastodons are not the same as mammoths, though they are related and share a common ancestor with mammoths and elephants. Mastodons could grow as tall as 10 feet.

The NPS explains that while mastodons have been around since 4 to 3 million years ago, mammoths didn’t arrive in North America until much later, during the Pleistocene ice ages, which spanned from 2.6 million years ago to 11,700 years ago. Mastodons did live alongside mammoths in many areas, but all of these large creatures went extinct by about 10,500 years ago.

Lundberg has some advice for aspiring fossil hunters: remember to get a fossil permit. In Florida, these permits only cost five dollars each. “My best tip is to get out and explore and keep your head down,” he said. “This stuff is out there and all over the state.”

As for what will happen to the ancient mastodon tusk, Lundberg plans to keep it unless experts decide it is important enough to donate. “I plan on keeping it, but I do have to report it at the end of the year to the Florida Museum of Natural History,” he said. “If they deem it scientifically important, I have to donate it, but that is very unlikely.”

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Daring Rescue: Duluth Firefighters Save Dog from Frigid Lake Superior

Kevin Wells



In a heart-pounding rescue mission on the shores of Duluth, Minnesota, a brave dog found himself in a perilous situation after leaping into the icy waters of Lake Superior. The daring rescue unfolded amidst eight-foot waves that crashed against the shore, creating a challenging environment for both man and canine.

The intense situation began when the adventurous dog managed to slip out of his leash, enticed by the allure of a chilly swim. Unbeknownst to the canine, Lake Superior’s vast expanse presented a danger he hadn’t anticipated. The situation quickly escalated, prompting the owner to dial emergency services.

To pinpoint the distressed dog’s location, dispatchers utilized cameras on a life bridge, offering a bird’s-eye view of the unfolding drama. The dog, buffeted by the relentless waves, struggled to stay afloat as firefighters donned specialized ice suits to brave the frigid waters.

These ice suits, designed for extreme cold-water rescues, provide a crucial barrier between the icy environment and the rescuers. Comprising layers of insulated materials, these suits not only keep firefighters warm but also offer buoyancy and protection against the harsh elements.

As the brave firefighters plunged into the turbulent waters, the dog faced the dual challenges of the waves and the numbing cold. Despite the difficult conditions, the rescue team, guided by the worried owner who remained on the shore, managed to locate the struggling canine.

The dog, large and frightened, repeatedly disappeared beneath the waves, making the rescue a daunting task. Through effective communication between the owner and the firefighters, the team successfully secured the dog by the collar, preventing him from slipping away.

Once the dog was safely in their grasp, both the firefighters and the canine were brought to safety aboard a waiting boat. The dog, now shivering and scared, received prompt medical attention. After warming up, the resilient pup even leaped happily into his owner’s car, a heartwarming conclusion to a potentially tragic event.

The Duluth Fire Department, often questioned about responding to animal-related emergencies, emphasized the significance of such actions in a Facebook post. They highlighted the deep bond between pets and their families, explaining that in their experience, if emergency responders did not intervene, well-meaning bystanders might take unnecessary risks.

The post also revealed a chilling detail: one of the dog’s owners had considered jumping into the treacherous waters. The fire department strongly discouraged such actions, emphasizing the importance of leaving water rescues to trained professionals equipped with the necessary gear.

“The Duluth Fire Department wants to stress to the public the importance of not putting yourself into a situation you are neither trained nor equipped to handle,” the post warned. “Given the wave and temperature conditions in the canal last night, anyone entering the water without the proper training and equipment would most likely have ended in tragedy.”

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