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The Funniest Thanksgiving Prank – Texting Mom and Asking How Long It takes to Microwave a Turkey

Thanksgiving is a time for holiday traditions: gathering around the table, eating turkey and cranberry sauce, watching the game on television. This year, you can add a new tradition to the list — millennials pranking their moms.

It started on Instagram. A poster named blessed.mess.jess texted her mom and asked her how long it would take to microwave a 25-pound turkey. Her mom’s responses were hilarious, including a suggestion that her daughter put the stuffing up her butt (that wasn’t the word she used). Blessed.mess.jess posted a screenshot of the conversation on Instagram, and a new trend was born, which soon spilled over from Instagram into Twitter.

The funniest exchanges were the ones where the moms, like the mom in the original post, lost their cool. In a Norman Rockwell vision of Thanksgiving, mothers are consistently patient and kind, always ready with an encouraging word for their children. In the real world, though, the moms pranked by their kids often cursed a blue streak or shook their fists at the fate that had brought them adult offspring who seemed so ignorant of the ways of the world. And the pranking millennials loved it, plastering the screenshots all over social media and claiming bragging rights for having the funniest mom.

Some pranked moms blamed their own parenting skills for raising such deficient offspring. Some thought their kids were drunk or high. Some used colorful descriptions of their children’s abilities and of the way a microwaved turkey would taste — like a bicycle tire, one mom said.

Some of the prankers may have gone a wee bit too far, genuinely scaring their moms, who thought their offspring might blow themselves up when their turkeys exploded in the microwave.

The whole basis of the prank is that, of course, you can’t microwave a 25-pound turkey, much less fit one into a microwave oven. Or can you? In an unexpected twist to this story, Butterball, the famous turkey company, actually responded to the prank by saying that yes, you CAN cook a turkey in a microwave oven. Here, in case for some crazy reason you want to try it, are Butterball’s instructions:

1. Start with a turkey that’s smaller than 25 pounds. This seems like Butterball is cheating a little, but the company does say that a smaller turkey will have enough meat for a typical millennial get-together.

2. Thaw it out first.

3. Put it breast-side down on a dish that is safe for the microwave.

4. Cook for 4 minutes per pound of turkey. Use the full power setting.

5. Baste the turkey with the drippings, then flip it over.

6. Cook for 8 minutes per pound at half power.

7. That’s going to take a while, but don’t go anywhere! Every 18 minutes (don’t ask where Butterball came up with this number), you’re going to need to use a meat thermometer to check the turkey’s temperature. While you’re in there, baste it again.

8. You’re looking for a temperature of 180 to 185 in the turkey’s thigh or 170 to 175 pounds in the turkey’s breast.  When you see that, the turkey is done!  Yay, time to eat. But first, baste it one last time.

So, there you have it. Butterball actually pranked the prankers by showing that it really is possible to cook a Thanksgiving turkey in a microwave oven, though a 25-pound turkey isn’t going to fit in a normal-sized microwave. As long as you go a little smaller, though, you can do it. Or so Butterball claims. Has anyone tried it?


Ordinary People Experience Stardom on Belfast’s Red Carpet

Shannon Jackson



In a delightful turn of events in Belfast, Ireland, TikToker Alan Wallace treated unsuspecting passersby to a taste of celebrity life by rolling out a red carpet for them to strut their stuff. Known by his social media handle Inspiring Belfast, Wallace enjoys a following of over 50,000 on Instagram. His latest stunt captured the hearts of viewers, racking up more than 8.5 million views and over 720,000 likes on Instagram alone.

Wallace is celebrated for his feel-good content that often highlights the charm of Belfast, his native city. According to Upworthy, the most charming aspect of this event was how each participant wholeheartedly embraced their moment in the spotlight, displaying a range of responses from graceful walks by the elderly to playful dances and athletic stunts like cartwheels and skateboarding.

One standout moment featured a construction worker who dazzled onlookers with a performance reminiscent of a fashion show finale, demonstrating both confidence and joy.

While the video suggests some coordination might have been involved in the setup, the genuine delight of those featured was unmistakable. The video not only spread smiles among viewers but also served as a reminder of the joy simple pleasures can bring.

Comments flooded in from viewers who felt uplifted by the clip. One viewer expressed, “I’ve had such a bad day, and this has really cheered me up.” Another commented on the pure happiness the video brought, “Proof that simple things can provide so much joy! Infectious joy at that! More please!”

A particularly touched viewer noted, “I love how everyone reacts but especially the elderly. They are often lonely and overlooked. They’ll be thinking about this with a smile for a long time 😍”

This heartwarming spectacle underscores the impact of small gestures of kindness and how a simple act of fun can brighten someone’s day without needing a deep connection—sometimes, a smile or a playful interaction is all it takes to lift spirits.

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A Surprise Upgrade: How a Mistake Gave an Edmond Couple a New Roof

Kelly Taylor



Imagine coming home to find out that your roof has been replaced by mistake! That’s exactly what happened to Deborah and Scott Senner from Edmond. “We were like ‘Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh,'” Deborah said. “We didn’t order a roof.”

The couple was actually five hours away when their 5-year-old roof was being removed. “I think it was about 80 percent off when they realized the mistake,” Deborah said. That’s when they got a surprising phone call from Doug Gray, the owner of Graco Roofing and Construction.

Gray admitted to the mistake, saying, “Had to be humble. We made a mistake and here’s what we can do to fix it.” Graco Roofing has been around for 30 years and had never made a mistake like this before. Gray even sent the Senners pictures of the progress, showing a huge dumpster, trucks, and a chute for throwing shingles.

The Senners could have been upset, but they weren’t. “They were very gracious, very sweet,” Gray said. “They understood – a little shocked obviously.” Scott found humor in the situation, saying, “It was pretty funny. You don’t expect something like that.”

The mix-up happened because of a small error in the address given to the installation team. “There’s protocols we put in place for years to avoid that,” Gray said. “Several of those were missed.” Despite the mistake, the Senners praised Graco Roofing. “We’re a total advocate for him. We think they did a phenomenal job,” they said. “Now we say we recommend Graco.”

In the end, the mistake turned out to be a blessing. The new roof was an upgrade, more resistant to hail, and it even lowered the couple’s homeowners insurance. “They did the right thing big time,” says Scott. Sometimes, a little mistake can lead to a big improvement!

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Milwaukee’s Popular Pup: Shih Tzu’s Night Out at the Bar





In a heartwarming turn of events, a 16-year-old Shih Tzu named Bear embarked on an unexpected adventure that left his owner, Jenny Hazard, both frantic and amused. Bear, known for his love of exploration, went missing in January, prompting a search that ended in an unlikely place – a bar in Milwaukee, WI.

Jenny Hazard was initially distraught when Bear disappeared, especially considering his age and heart condition. “When he was younger, he was a runner,” she shared. “He can’t go far in snow.” Despite her concerns, she turned to social media for help, hoping to locate her beloved pet.

It wasn’t long before she received a surprising text – Bear had been found at Finks, a local tavern located a mile from their home. “I’m like, ‘What?'” Hazard exclaimed upon hearing the news. A photo sent to her phone showed Bear happily mingling with patrons at the bar, seemingly enjoying his newfound popularity.

It turned out that a group of barhoppers had spotted Bear and decided to bring him along for the evening. “They took good care of him, and I guess he was pretty popular,” Hazard said, relieved that Bear was safe and sound.

Reflecting on Bear’s escapade, Hazard humorously remarked, “Old man breaks free — goes to bar,” highlighting the unexpected adventure of her adventurous pup. Bear’s night out serves as a reminder of the unexpected places and friends our furry companions can find, even in the bustling city of Milwaukee.

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A Fun New Drinking Game in the UK

Kevin Wells



Have you ever wanted to buy a stranger a drink, just for fun? In the UK, there’s a new game that’s all about spreading joy and drinks in pubs!

This fun game started because of a cool feature in the Wetherspoons app. Wetherspoons is Britain’s biggest pub chain with over 800 taverns. The app lets you order drinks online for any table in these pubs. You just need to manually enter the location instead of using location services. That’s how you can surprise someone with a pint, wine, or even a shot!

So, what are the rules? It’s simple and fun! People who want free drinks post a photo of themselves, the name of the Wetherspoons pub they’re in, their table number, and a nice message on a Facebook page called “Wetherspoons The Game!” There are 22 volunteer moderators who make sure everything is fair and polite. They check the players’ IDs and pick a few dozen lucky winners each night. These winners get their picture and message posted, and then the drinks start coming!

Politeness is a big deal in this game. If anyone uses rude language, they’re out. The moderators also keep an eye on how many drinks are ordered for one table. If it gets too much, especially with tequila, they step in and stop the orders.

Chris Illman, a 42-year-old man, created this game six years ago. He was going through tough times, battling cancer and dealing with his partner leaving him. What started as a fun game among friends to buy each other drinks grew into something huge. Now, he manages Facebook groups with over half a million members, all joining in the fun!

What’s amazing is how people love participating. Many enjoy sitting at home, ordering drinks for people out having a good time. According to Illman, it’s not about getting something in return. It’s all about the joy of giving and making someone’s night a little more special.

This game shows how a small act of kindness, like sending a stranger a drink, can bring a lot of happiness. It’s not just about the free drinks; it’s about the surprise and joy that comes with it. So next time you’re in the UK and at a Wetherspoons pub, who knows, you might just be the lucky one getting a surprise pint from a new friend! 🍻

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The Tale of the Welsh Tidy Mouse: A Shed’s Unexpected Helper

Renee Yates



In the quaint shed of a retired postal worker named Rodney Holbrook, an unusual and endearing story has unfolded. Rodney, curious about the mysteriously tidy state of his shed each morning, set up a night vision camera to unravel the mystery. To his surprise, the culprit turned out to be none other than a diligent mouse, earning the affectionate nickname of the “Welsh Tidy Mouse.” This industrious rodent has been performing its tidying routine for a remarkable two months.

Rodney first noticed the tidying phenomenon when items on his workbench were consistently organized each morning. Intrigued, he decided to investigate further by employing a night vision camera. The footage revealed a tiny mouse diligently picking up clothes pegs, corks, nuts, and bolts, and neatly placing them in designated spots. It seemed that this mouse had a penchant for order and cleanliness, turning Rodney’s shed into a well-kept space.

The Welsh Tidy Mouse’s routine involves not only tidying up but also repurposing some of Rodney’s belongings. Initially, Rodney observed that food meant for birds was mysteriously ending up in old shoes stored in the shed. It appears the mouse has found a clever way to use objects to hide away nuts, creating a win-win situation for both the mouse and Rodney.

Rodney, embracing the unexpected help, has altered his habits to accommodate the diligent mouse. Items left out of their designated places are effortlessly restored to order by the morning, thanks to the mouse’s industrious efforts. Rodney humorously suggests that the mouse might even tidy away his wife if given the chance.

Seeing the mouse’s knack for organization, Rodney has turned the shed into a playful experiment. He adds different items to the workspace, challenging the mouse to lift and rearrange them. The shed has become a shared space where a retired postal worker and a tiny, tidy mouse coexist in harmony.

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