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40 Unforgivable Movie Bloopers

With that goes with making a movie, especially one for the big cinema screen, it’s not surprising when mistakes occur or edits are need. That’s what the editing room is for to go through the draft film and tighten up all the problems or loose spots in the film as well as to get it within the acceptable viewing time allowed. However, once in a while even the best of movies, including Oscar-winning films, have bloopers in them that just can’t be forgiven. They are such clear violations of quality film-making, people wonder how the blooper got through to the public viewing, and yet it does anyways. Here are 25 examples of film bloopers that never should have been allowed or the detail missed, but in the fictional world of movies they occur regardless.


The iconic hero tragedy film of Braveheart and its depiction of Scottish rebel leader Wallace, portrayed by Mel Gibson, was a huge hit and win with audiences. And while everyone walked away from the film amazed by the script and detail, and absolutely hating the British monarchy just a bit more, historians were grumbling how the film was allowed to happen at all without someone speaking up. As it turned out, Gibson’s character and many others were obvious in kilts. The problem was the movie time setting was the 1300s, and kilts didn’t become commonplace until the 1600s. Someone in costumes missed this detail bigtime.

The Aviator

So, who’s got a problem with chocolate chip cookies? They’re about a American as apple pie. In fact, it made sense to have them as a snack in the Aviator when Leonardo DiCaprio’s role needed to pick up some munchies in one scene. Unfortunately, again, someone forgot to talk to the historians. It turns out that chocolate chip cookies didn’t come about in consumer product form until 1930. The movie’s storyline was set in 1928. Yet again, the mysterious time machine was exposed accidentally.

Django Unchained

A third one for the history side, but even regular folks should have seen this blooper the minute it appeared, at least anyone who took American history that is. Django Unchained was set in the mid 1800s in the Civil War era where the main character is an escaped slave. Yet here is in the film sauntering around with sunglasses. While regular eyepieces did exist, no one had figured out yet how to polarize lenses much less shade them for the sunglasses effect. Maybe he took them from a Southern inventor he came across.


Geography is important. Don’t just think maps are useful only for National Geographic magazine or for pilots. In the movie Titanic, the script editors missed a big goof when Jack, the intrepid character chasing after the girl outside of his class, states he used to fish in Lake Wissota with his dad. Jack apparently took a ride in the time machine as well before dying in the frigid Atlantic waters with the Titanic’s sinking. Lake Wissota didn’t exist until 1917 but the Titanic sank in 1912. This is where the movie director excuses it all with fictional license.

Forrest Gump

If anyone tells you details don’t matter in a movie, they’ve never worked on a set. Movie sets spend hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to get time pieces correct. And that means buying a lot of vintage stuff to match the date and period when the storyline occurs correctly. When Forrest Gump gets a letter from the company Apple in 1975, it includes a corporate logo with a rainbow. Interestingly, however, the rainbow logo didn’t appear until 1976 and Apple wasn’t a corporation until 1981.

Panic Room

Rich people go to a lot of extents to protect themselves, and home panic rooms to protect themselves from home invasions are more common than thought. However, when the movie Panic Room was made, someone had the great idea that of Jodie Foster’s character dropped to the floor after lighting off a propane canister she would be safe. This person apparently didn’t take chemistry or physical classes. Otherwise, he or she would have known propane is heavier than normal air and the canister would have fallen to the floor as well, roasting Foster to a crisp.


Most people who saw it loved the gladiator. It was attributed as one of the more realistic stories of what life was like in ancient Rome as well as on the frontier of the Empire. The script writers, however, missed the fact that calling Russell Crowe with a nickname, “the Spaniard,” was entirely inaccurate by more than 1,000 years. The term “Spaniard” was invented by the French much later in the 1300s. Crowe’s character was hopping around in gladiator amphitheaters in 180 A.D.

Gladiator, Again

This next blooper was a big one that never should have occurred. During the chariot races, which of course get ugly as they overturn and go flying in crashes, one of the victim chariots clearly has a gas canister hitched to it, probably to help boost the chariot into the air in the first place. However, it’s as plain as daylight and obvious in the film. This is the kind of thing that should have been removed in editing.

Back to the Future

Historians really need to talk to film agents and get themselves work in the movies because there’s a lot of demand; they’re just not marketing their services well enough. In Back to the Future, Marty McFly hits the stages and shows off his guitar skills, shocking everyone in 1955 to his rock riffs. Unfortunately, the guitar he plays, a Gibson ES, doesn’t show up until 1958. This kind of detail is really objectionable when the premise of the movie is time travel.

Independence Day

Aliens visiting Earth and blowing up landmarks to show their technological dominance over Terran ants like us need to do it in style. So, they tend to destroy the biggest monuments they can find. It’s supposed to be dramatic when the Empire State Building gets squashed like a pancake by an alien laser cannon, except real New Yorkers aren’t fooled so easily. Having spent years figuring out street vendor shell games in Manhattan, these audiences figured out real quick the building destroyed is on 53rd street. New Yorkers: 1, bad aliens: 0


Unless someone is really going out of there way to transplant palm trees all the way to Illinois, the movie Halloween fouled up their landscape views trying to pass off a California suburban street as somewhere in the Midwest. Even though the guilty trees were off in the distance, it was still pretty clear they were, in fact, darn palm trees. Hollywood must have been on a serious budget cut at the time of filming.

The Dark Knight

It’s not a good thing when someone obviously makes a spelling error in a public communication. Shop signs, street signs and billboards are common examples. However, when a movie shows a typo in a newspaper, it’s really bad. With all the editors and proof-checkers newspapers employ regularly, a misspelling in the byline would never happen, but it did in the movie. Look for the misspelled word, “heist,” in the Gotham Times.


Testosterone types loved 300 with all the visible Spartan philosophy and sword-hacking Greek style. No matter how many Persian were flung at the Spartans, they held out to the end. However, unless Persian King Xerxes had contracted out to Chinese mercenaries, he never would have had access to gunpowder, yet here the crazy king was busy catapulting gunpowder bombs on the Spartans. Now that’s just outright cheating in a fair fight.

The Hurt Locker

Video gamers united over this movie’s blooper. The characters pass a few minutes on an Xbox 360, specifically playing Gears of War. However, those who remember know Gears didn’t show up until 2006 when it was released. The movie story is set in 2004.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Book burning was a notorious act of cultural crime performed by the Nazis in Germany and other European countries in the lead up to World War II. However, the Last Crusade’s timeline was placed in 1933. The Nazis really didn’t get their steam going until five years later. The image works well in the movie storyline but the historians quickly cried foul. Nobody listened, however.

Malcolm X

When Malcolm X gets personally attack with a home fire, he tries to recruit nearby help from others. One of the key lines in the scene is him yelling for someone to call for help. Unfortunately, the exact phrase used involves calling 9-1-1. That service didn’t exist until three years later, however. Again, the scriptwriters didn’t check their details carefully enough.

The Patriot

Mel Gibson made his career playing hero characters fighting against all odds for the right position or side. In the Patriot, however, Gibson’s character has lots of kids. The Revolutionary War didn’t just take a quick summer to finish; it lasted a good four or five years. Even his littlest kids would have grown, but on Gibson’s return to his family, everything is the same again.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Apples were treated as a luxury and treasure in the pirate movie. However, the time setting of Pirates figured somewhere in the 1600s and 1700s. The Granny Smith apple didn’t show up until at least 100 years later. Maybe Barbarossa hitchhiked on the time travel machine as well. It makes sense since everything else in the movie defied physics as well.

Public Enemies

When you’re a gangster, you need to wipe out the competition before they wipe out you. In reality, the Feds are more likely to get in the way first. The movie had Dillinger killing off Pretty Boy Floyd as well as Babyface Nelson. In reality, federal agents surround and turned Dillinger into Swiss cheese long before either of those men died.

Saving Private Ryan

Tom Hanks character gets injured in the war movie and eventually killed, but folks zeroed on the details instead. Lying injured, he was propped against a motorcycle. Unfortunately, that particular vehicle was a Ural M-63, which didn’t exist until almost 20 years after the end of World War II, the setting of the movie. They must have gotten the bike off a misleading eBay auction.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

Pirates are able to travel all over the world if they have a ship and aren’t being sunk by the authorities. So it seemed plausible they would be hanging out in Singapore to fight the East India Trading Company. However, Singapore didn’t exist yet in the 1700s. East Asian geography and history are poorly studied in American schools, however, so Disney likely thought no one would notice.

The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music shows the Von Trapp family in the end sneaking out of Austria to Switzerland via the Alps. It wasn’t quite so easy. They actually would have had to migrate through parts of Germany to get to Switzerland, but they did indeed escape the Nazis. That part was true.

The Shawshank Redemption

Raquel Welch fans are very diligent about their heroine’s movies, particularly the dates and the movie posters. After all, she was a big pinup model in the 1970s. However, when the hero of the Shawshank Redemption covers up the escape hole with her poster, no one but the fans noticed the year of the movie’s story was incorrect with the poster of Welch, namely the movie poster for One Million Years B.C.

Sherlock Holmes

The story remake of Holmes chasing his catch ran from the sewers underneath the British Parliament all the way to the Tower Bridge. In reality, Holmes and his pursuit would have needed to be marathon runners. The actual distances more than two miles at length, and no one would have been able to run that far that fast in reality.

Top Gun

Audiences loved the supersonic jet acrobatics of fighter jets flying next to each, one being upside down and the other right side up. However, the pure physics of air displacement by the planes was already making this idea doubtful. What really put it over the edge was how close they got. Their tailfins would have contacted being that close.

The Green Mile

The big gentle giant, Coffee, was executed in the electric chair in the movie timeline of 1940. However, Louisiana were the movie is set didn’t institute that method of execution until 1945. No one cared; everyone was crying watching Coffee pass away.


Things get hot in the Middle East, and in ancient Turkey, where the movie Troy is set, a good amount of shade is a plus, especially during a hot battle in the middle of the day. Paris, the instigator of the Trojan Wars, rides around in a chariot with an umbrella attached. However, the parasol wasn’t invented until eight centuries later. Darn that time machine again.

North by Northwest

A classic Hitchcock movie, it’s surprising that the production details missed this one, but when a kid reacts to a gunshot we can only chalk it up to psychic ability. The gunshot goes off after the kid reacts.

The Passion of the Christ

The problem with religion when it’s depicted by the West is that the deity characters are always portrayed as Euro-centric Caucasian. However, Jesus was born and raised in ancient Israel so He definitely would have looked very Arabic in features, color and physical details. Portraying him with a clearly Caucasian character in modern movie-making just doesn’t make any sense. Chalk it up to Hollywood ethnocentrism again.

Ace Ventura, Pet Detective

Yes, dolphins can communicate with chirps and quirks. Yes, they do make noise. But even when a silly movie like Ace Ventura has them talking in regular language out of water, a viewer has to just stop and refuse to accept it. Then again, the movie really was dedicated to be in the dumb side of entertainment.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

New Yorkers should be furious how many times their town gets portrayed using a Los Angeles set, but they are probably numb to the insult. The Smiths are so blatant about using L.A. surroundings, the movie set folks didn’t even bother to avoid using low level buildings, a rarity in New York City.

Schindler’s List

With the topic about a hero helping Jews escape the Holocaust, few were likely to speak out about how the movie had mistakes for fear of being misinterpreted as being against the story. However, mundane office items like plastic stamp pads didn’t exist in World War II Germany, but they were used in the movie.

Spiderman 3

Remember, this movie is based on a comic book hero where everything is made up. That said, he’s supposed to be in New York City during all the storyline and major fights. So when the big Webslinger is having a bash-fest with the Sandman, it’s pretty obvious the Terminal Tower from Cleveland is really out of place.

Gone With the Wind

Even the Classics had big goofs. The gas lamp seen in the movie had a visible electrical wire hanging from it. The South was a lot less developed than the North, and despite Alexander Bell’s inventions the plantation world would not have been wired for electricity when the movie was set.

Pulp Fiction

Uma Thurman’s character needs some serious medical attention to get her heart to beat again in one scene. However, as she recovers, she seems to have no mark or sign of where the adrenaline shot was shoved into her chest. She must be vampire healing that fast. It goes with the black hair dye job.

Cast Away

FedEx loved this movie with all the product placement it enjoyed for two hours long. Despite the fact that all their packages were floating in the ocean in paper cardboard boxes, the contents were safe and dry as Tom Hanks opens them up. The customers must have paid for the premium service.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

The first of the Indiana Jones franchise, all the characters were placed in 1930s costumes. However, one character decided a cowboy hat would be just fitting smack in the middle of the Egyptian desert with locals and Nazis running around. After all, who would have noticed a Texan in a big hat and blue jeans out there?

Reservoir Dogs

Ever seen someone contort to move hands handcuffed in the back to suddenly being in the front? The did it in the movie, and the job was so good, nobody noticed the contortionist do his act. In reality, the character played by Marvin Nash was handcuffed twice in the filming and someone forgot the original position.

Terminator 2 Judgment Day

Just like the kid reacting to a shot before it happens, futuristic robots are psychic too. In this one, the killer T-1000 splits apart before being shot. It must have anticipated Arnie’s move with a super-prediction software code from the future.



Highway Adventure: Escaped Sulcata Tortoise’s Journey Halted by Arizona Rescuers

Shannon Jackson



An unexpected traveler caused a stir on an Arizona interstate near Picacho when a large sulcata tortoise was discovered attempting to cross the highway. The tortoise, it was later revealed, had embarked on a remarkable journey after escaping from an ostrich ranch located approximately three miles away.

Sulcata tortoises, also known as African spurred tortoises, are native to the southern edge of the Sahara desert. These impressive reptiles are the third-largest species of tortoise in the world and the largest mainland tortoise. Known for their hardy nature and long lifespans, sulcata tortoises can live for over 70 years and reach weights of up to 200 pounds when fully grown.

The rescued tortoise’s adventure highlights the species’ surprising mobility and endurance. Despite their slow-moving reputation, sulcata tortoises are capable of covering significant distances, especially when seeking food or a mate. Their strong legs and sharp claws, evolved for digging in their native arid habitats, allow them to traverse challenging terrain – though perhaps not as safely as they might on the African plains.

Local authorities and wildlife experts were quick to respond to the unusual sight of this desert dweller on the interstate. The rescue operation not only ensured the tortoise’s safety but also prevented potential traffic hazards on the busy highway.

This incident serves as a reminder of the responsibilities that come with keeping exotic pets. Sulcata tortoises, while popular in the pet trade due to their docile nature and impressive size, require specialized care and secure enclosures to prevent escapes like this one.

The tortoise’s safe retrieval and its journey from an ostrich ranch to a major highway underscore the importance of proper animal husbandry and the unexpected challenges that can arise when managing diverse species in captivity. As the sulcata tortoise returns to more familiar surroundings, its brief highway adventure stands as a testament to the species’ resilience and the community’s quick action in wildlife preservation.

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Dinner Cruise Turns Heroic: Lost Dog Rescued Miles from Florida Shore

Renee Yates



An evening boat ride became an unexpected rescue mission when passengers and crew aboard the Sanibel Harbor Princess spotted a dog swimming alone in Florida’s waters. The canine, later identified as Ellie, was found over a mile from Fort Myers Beach on July 28, prompting a swift rescue operation.

Captain Terry Johns, a veteran of the Coast Guard, recounts the moment of discovery. Midway through the cruise, commotion erupted among guests as they noticed a small head bobbing in the water. Quick action was necessary, as Ellie was dangerously close to the boat’s rear.

With skilled maneuvering, the yacht’s crew positioned the vessel to safely retrieve Ellie. Once aboard, the exhausted but friendly dog was provided with food and water. The crew’s training proved invaluable in executing the rescue efficiently.

Post-rescue, Ellie was taken to a veterinarian for examination. Despite having a microchip, identification proved challenging due to malfunction. A crew member volunteered to care for Ellie temporarily while efforts to locate her owners continued.

The rescue story, broadcast by local news outlet WINK News, caught the attention of Ben and Kathleen Baker, Ellie’s distraught owners. The couple had lost sight of their pet during an afternoon boat outing and had spent hours searching to no avail.

Overcome with emotion, 72-year-old Ben Baker expressed his relief at seeing Ellie safe on the news. A few phone calls later, and the Bakers were reunited with their beloved pet, turning a potential tragedy into a heartwarming tale of community effort and canine resilience.

This incident highlights the importance of pet safety on boats and the impact of quick thinking and compassion in emergency situations.

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Eight Puppies Rescued from Texas Heat Will Soon Be Ready for Adoption

Kevin Wells



Eight puppies left in the scorching Texas heat have been rescued and are now safe, thanks to some quick-thinking deputies and animal control officers.

The puppies were abandoned in a carrier on a field in Tarrant County, Texas, where temperatures reached over 100 degrees. The Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office shared this on their Facebook page.

A kind person found the puppies without any water and alerted the authorities. Unfortunately, since there were no cameras in the area, it’s unlikely they will find out who left the puppies behind.

Deputies Collin Stephenson and Haley Drew from the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office, along with the Fort Worth Animal Care and Control team, rescued the puppies.

Fort Worth Animal Care and Control shared an update on Facebook, including photos of the puppies, saying, “The puppies that were rescued from a carrier in 100-degree weather by Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office are doing much better.”

The puppies, about six weeks old, are now at the Chuck & Brenda Silcox Animal Care and Adoption Center. They are believed to be shepherd mixes and have been given names after popular chip brands: Cheetos, Fritos, Ruffles, Lays Potato, Cheese Itz, Doritos, and Pringles.

Deputy Stephenson told Fort Worth Animal Care and Control that he plans to adopt one of the puppies.

The animal shelter is looking for people to foster or adopt the puppies, who should be ready for adoption next week.

Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Heat

  1. Provide Plenty of Water: Always make sure your pets have access to fresh, cool water.
  2. Avoid Midday Heat: Walk your pets early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler.
  3. Never Leave Pets in Cars: Cars can quickly become dangerously hot, even with windows cracked.
  4. Shade and Shelter: Ensure your pets have a shady place to rest if they’re outside.
  5. Watch for Signs of Overheating: Signs include excessive panting, drooling, and weakness. If you notice these, get your pet to a cool place and offer water.
  6. Limit Exercise: On very hot days, reduce the amount of exercise your pets get.

By following these tips, you can help keep your pets safe and healthy during the hot summer months.

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Diver Makes Stunning Ancient Find Off Florida Coast: ‘Very Rare’

Renee Yates



A diver in Florida recently made an incredible discovery while exploring the waters off the state’s coast.

Kyle Lundberg, who studied marine biology at the University of South Florida, was diving off Manasota Key, about 90 miles south of Tampa, when he stumbled upon an ancient mastodon tusk. He found this remarkable relic back in April while searching for fossils.

The tusk, which hasn’t been dated yet, could be millions of years old. Although he’s only 29 years old, Lundberg has been scuba diving for 12 years and has been hunting for fossils since he was “old enough to walk.”

“My dad would take us out to construction sites all the time to look for fossils as a kid,” Lundberg shared. He mentioned that while finding small pieces and chunks of tusk is common, discovering one as large and well-preserved as this is very rare. Tusks found in Florida are usually very delicate and often crumble apart.

According to the National Park Service (NPS), American mastodons went extinct around 10,500 years ago. Their fossils have been discovered across North America and Central America, from Alaska to Mexico. Despite what some people might think, mastodons are not the same as mammoths, though they are related and share a common ancestor with mammoths and elephants. Mastodons could grow as tall as 10 feet.

The NPS explains that while mastodons have been around since 4 to 3 million years ago, mammoths didn’t arrive in North America until much later, during the Pleistocene ice ages, which spanned from 2.6 million years ago to 11,700 years ago. Mastodons did live alongside mammoths in many areas, but all of these large creatures went extinct by about 10,500 years ago.

Lundberg has some advice for aspiring fossil hunters: remember to get a fossil permit. In Florida, these permits only cost five dollars each. “My best tip is to get out and explore and keep your head down,” he said. “This stuff is out there and all over the state.”

As for what will happen to the ancient mastodon tusk, Lundberg plans to keep it unless experts decide it is important enough to donate. “I plan on keeping it, but I do have to report it at the end of the year to the Florida Museum of Natural History,” he said. “If they deem it scientifically important, I have to donate it, but that is very unlikely.”

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Daring Rescue: Duluth Firefighters Save Dog from Frigid Lake Superior

Kevin Wells



In a heart-pounding rescue mission on the shores of Duluth, Minnesota, a brave dog found himself in a perilous situation after leaping into the icy waters of Lake Superior. The daring rescue unfolded amidst eight-foot waves that crashed against the shore, creating a challenging environment for both man and canine.

The intense situation began when the adventurous dog managed to slip out of his leash, enticed by the allure of a chilly swim. Unbeknownst to the canine, Lake Superior’s vast expanse presented a danger he hadn’t anticipated. The situation quickly escalated, prompting the owner to dial emergency services.

To pinpoint the distressed dog’s location, dispatchers utilized cameras on a life bridge, offering a bird’s-eye view of the unfolding drama. The dog, buffeted by the relentless waves, struggled to stay afloat as firefighters donned specialized ice suits to brave the frigid waters.

These ice suits, designed for extreme cold-water rescues, provide a crucial barrier between the icy environment and the rescuers. Comprising layers of insulated materials, these suits not only keep firefighters warm but also offer buoyancy and protection against the harsh elements.

As the brave firefighters plunged into the turbulent waters, the dog faced the dual challenges of the waves and the numbing cold. Despite the difficult conditions, the rescue team, guided by the worried owner who remained on the shore, managed to locate the struggling canine.

The dog, large and frightened, repeatedly disappeared beneath the waves, making the rescue a daunting task. Through effective communication between the owner and the firefighters, the team successfully secured the dog by the collar, preventing him from slipping away.

Once the dog was safely in their grasp, both the firefighters and the canine were brought to safety aboard a waiting boat. The dog, now shivering and scared, received prompt medical attention. After warming up, the resilient pup even leaped happily into his owner’s car, a heartwarming conclusion to a potentially tragic event.

The Duluth Fire Department, often questioned about responding to animal-related emergencies, emphasized the significance of such actions in a Facebook post. They highlighted the deep bond between pets and their families, explaining that in their experience, if emergency responders did not intervene, well-meaning bystanders might take unnecessary risks.

The post also revealed a chilling detail: one of the dog’s owners had considered jumping into the treacherous waters. The fire department strongly discouraged such actions, emphasizing the importance of leaving water rescues to trained professionals equipped with the necessary gear.

“The Duluth Fire Department wants to stress to the public the importance of not putting yourself into a situation you are neither trained nor equipped to handle,” the post warned. “Given the wave and temperature conditions in the canal last night, anyone entering the water without the proper training and equipment would most likely have ended in tragedy.”

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