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30 Essential Life Hacks That EVERY Dog Owner Must Learn

Did you know that there are more than 90 million pet dogs in the United States alone? It’s true! When they say that dog is a man’s best friend, they really mean it! Ever since man first tried to domesticate the ancient gray wolves of yesteryear, dogs have become one of the most beloved animals on the planet. Despite our affinity for these furry creatures, sometimes we could use a little help to take care of them properly. Whether you are a new doggo owner or a seasoned one, we have a few tips and tricks for you!

Today, we are going to help you help your dog through 30 essential life hacks that every pet owner must learn.

Magic Erasers Can Clean Doggy Drool Marks

You don’t have to live with a fully grown Saint Bernard to know that dogs can drool and they can drool A LOT. Doggo drool is part and parcel of the pet canine experience, but that doesn’t mean you have to enjoy it! If you find that your dog is drooling all over your house, consider keeping magic erasers on hand to get rid of the nasty drool marks left behind.

Seriously, these magic erasers actually WORK.

Control Your Dog’s Annoying Bark With This Innovative Product

Like any dog owner, I love my canine companion, but I am not that big of a fan of her bark. Sometimes, she gets out of control, and there is nothing I can do to calm her down from her need to bark. At least that was the case until I discovered BarxBuddy. A friend of mine had told me that everybody had his work was using this little device to keep their dog’s yapping in line.

What is BarxBuddy? It’s a small device – it fits pretty comfortably into my not-exactly-huge hands – that emits high-pitched frequencies at the push of a button. Don’t worry! You won’t hear them, but your dog sure will. They won’t hurt your dog’s ear – they’re not loud enough to cause damage – but will startle them out of barking and get them quiet with just one push of a button. 

The thing I particularly love about the BarxBuddy is that it can help with other behavior problems. My pup had a massive problem with chewing paper towels until I got BarxBuddy. Now, she stops the moment she sees me with this gadget. And a bright LED light can help capture the attention if all else fails, which helps with my brother’s deaf dog.

See why thousands of pet owners have already given BarxBuddy a 5-star review. And if you’re lucky, the massive discount they’re offering is still available here.

Beat the Heat With Frozen Dog Treats

When the temperatures begin to rise and your dog starts to pant, it can be helpful to keep some cool frozen dog treats nearby. There are a variety of ways to make frozen dog treats and just about every one of them will leave your pup happy. Best of all, frozen dog treats can keep younger dogs focused and busy while you go about your day.

For a simple frozen treat try mixing seedless pureed watermelon, coconut water, and honey into a frozen blended mixture.

UV Light Sanitizer – Grooming

As cute as they our, pets do carry germs and bacteria. One device that is often used at grooming salons for sanitation is a UV light (yes, the same type that is used in hospitals for humans). Luckily there is now a handheld version of this light, called Mobile Klean.

I use the Mobile Klean for many objects none dog related – my phone, keyboard, credit cards, but it’s nice to be able to use it to kill germs and bacteria that my dog is depositing around too. Mobile Klean works by attacking the cell walls of bacteria and viruses and eliminates them by making them unable to reproduce. By destroying the bacteria, Mobile Klean also helps eliminate pet odors.

We researched all of the brands and found Mobile Klean to be the most effective, made with the best quality and the most reasonably priced portable UV sanitizer available.

With everything going on in the world most companies have short supply of the Mobile Klean devices, so we went straight to the manufacturer. Not only did we find out they had some supply left, they said they would honor this 50% discount code for a limited time.

*Do not use Mobile Klean directly on dogs. UV light can be harmful to pet’s eyes if looked directly into.

Play With Bubbles For An Energetic Time

Do you want your dog to sleep better at night? Are you trying to get old Fido to burn some energy outside? If you want a rocking fun time for the whole family, grab a bubble machine or a bubble wand and head outside! Dogs love chasing bubbles as it is their natural instinct. This cheap pet toy makes for a great day of exercise for you and the family pet.

Nail Trimming Made Easy

The hack we’ve all been waiting for, because it makes a very stressful (but necessary) dog grooming activity better – nail trimming made easy.

Before I got PerroPal Nail Grinder, I hated clipping my dogs nails. I tried to do it myself a few times, but my dog was terrified and I was terrified. So, off to the groomers we went for a $20 trim every other month. This was starting to add up and it was getting increasingly difficult to remain on schedule with the nail trimmings, which resulted in long nails and scratched woodwork.

I decided to give PerroPal Grinder a try and they really have made nail trimmings enjoyable. Ok, maybe not enjoyable, but no longer terrifying for me or my little squishy butterball angel puppy (nickname, real name is Skitty)

Here are the reasons I like the PerroPal Grinder:

  • No more trips to the nail groomers (these pay for themselves in one trip, so I figured they were worth the try)
  • No skills or effort required
  • Fast / Fluid Motion – reduces pet anxiety
  • Good control so you don’t have to worry about buffing the nails too short and hitting the blood vein (you can change the speed up or down)
  • Smooth and short nails

PerroPal Grinder takes the worry, fear and guess work out of trimming your dogs nails. They are so worth it. Check them out, they are usually running some sort of special offer.

Use Furniture Covers to Keep Your Furniture Fur Free!

If you allow your dogs up and onto your furniture, the odds are good that you’ve struggled to deal with their fur! Fur sticks to everything and that can include your favorite couch. To make furry furniture a thing of the past, consider bringing home a few furniture covers that match your home decor!

Furniture covers aren’t just for old homes and older couches, so feel free to get creative with the various design options available!

Dirty Dog + Sheets Don’t Usually Mix

If you are guilty of letting your dog sleep with you, then this hack is for you. I am definitely guilty of this, in fact, my dog has her own pillow and sleeps with her head at the top of the bed just like a human. Talk about spoiled.

I know letting my dog sleep with me in not the most hygienic habit, but she’s just so sweet. That’s why I got Miracle Sheets. These sheets are temperature regulating, super soft, AND they kill 99.9% of bacteria.

I love when I can put hygienic and luxury in the same sentence and these sheets earned both those words. Miracle sheets are made of all-natural silver that kills bacteria by connecting to the bacteria through positive charge ions and then destroys the bacteria from the inside-out before they can reproduce. Letting your dog sleep with you can create a breeding ground for dirt and bacteria, but Miracle Sheets stops bacteria in its tracks. Killing the bacteria makes Miracle Sheets:

  • Cleaner (less laundry)
  • Odor Free
  • Better for your skin (no bacteria clogging up your pores)
  • Low Maintenance

And on top of that Miracle Sheets are:

  • so so soft and comfortable
  • cooling and moisture-wicking (my pup is like a little heater, the cooling sheets definitely help)

With Miracle Sheets I can cuddle up to my dog without being too grossed out that her last bath was over in a month ago. Try Miracle Sheets risk-free and we’ll even throw in a discount.

Rotate New Toys To Retain Doggy Interest

Dogs are a lot like us in that they get tired of the same old routine sometimes, too! If you have an active and energetic dog, it can help to keep a rotation of dog toys around to always maintain their interest. Dogs get bored of their toys just like children do, so you can keep their interest by grabbing something they haven’t played with in a while!

You’ll be blown away by how excited your pup gets over their old toys.

Microchip Your Pet For Safety

We all like to think that we will never let harm befall our pets. With that being said, we can’t protect our pets when we don’t know where they are. If you are adopting a dog, you owe it to yourself to consider microchipping them for safety. Microchips are safe and effective ways to keep track of your dog in the event that you are separated from them.

If your dog is found, the microchip will provide all the contact information needed for a quick reunion.

Use a Walnut To Remove Scratches From Furniture

Dogs and wooden furniture go together like water and fire. While we love our dog and we love our wooden furniture, we hate what they do to each other. If you find that your furniture is collecting scratches from your doggo’s claws, consider grabbing a bowl of walnuts. Seriously! You can rub a scratched piece of furniture with a walnut, thereby releasing natural oils, to cover up the marks left behind by your dog.

Who comes up with these tricks?

Understand What A Wagging Tail Means

Do you know what it means when your dog wags its tail? While we most commonly associate a wagging tail with happiness, that surely isn’t always the case. Tail wagging can be an indicator of several emotions, including insecurity and outright fear. Make sure that your household is trained up on dog-bite prevention so that you can understand the signs of stress that a dog might exhibit when they are upset.

Seal Away Household Toxins Dangerous to Dogs

Dogs are curious creatures and that means that we must take preventative measures. Dogs like to nose around into things that they shouldn’t, including the garbage, so make sure that everything potentially harmful is sealed away. Common household toxins such as medications, chemical cleaners, and potentially poisonous foods need to be locked away to ensure your pet’s happiness and safety.

Get Rid of Pet Urine With Baking Soda

There is nothing so horrifying as finding a urine spot on your newly installed carpet. Of course, your pet didn’t mean to cause a problem but a problem there still is. How can you get rid of this fresh urine spot? Simply grab a container of baking soda, of course! Pour enough baking soda over the urine spot to completely cover it before allowing the chemical to soak for roughly 20 minutes. Vacuum and be amazed at the results!

Treat-Dispensing Toys Are Great For Quick Eaters

If you have a dog that loves to eat fast, you might want to encourage slower food consumption. Animals that eat fast are often beholden to upset tummies and improper digestion. You can slow your dog down by putting their treats or meals inside of a food dispensing device. These food dispensers work great to slow down the introduction of food to your dog’s bowl, thus allowing for a more measured feeding.

Build a Canine First Aid Kit

When you adopt a pet, you should make contingency plans if something happens to them. Your dog is beholden to you for its care, love, and attention so do your best to provide for it by building a first aid kit. Your first aid kid should have basic items like peroxide, gauze, bandages, cotton balls, and antibiotics.

Also, make sure to have the number and address for a local pet ER in case of an emergency.

Use a Baby Wipe to Prevent Dog Hair From Clogging Drains

Some dogs like taking baths, some dogs hate even going near the water. No matter what kind of dog you personally have, their fur will clog your bathroom drain all the same. After bathing your dog, grab a baby wipe to collect all of the remaining furs in your bathroom. The baby wipe will easily collect the fur, thus allowing you to prevent your drain from clogging.

Vaseline Can Protect Your Dog’s Paws This Winter

Is there anything sadder than watching a dog with cold paws try to walk outside? Protecting your dog’s feet during the cold is important, so make sure to keep some vaseline in your house if you don’t have any pet paw balm. Vaseline will help to seal your dog’s pads against the cold of winter, thus preserving some measure of comfort during their favorite outdoor activities.

Disguise Doggy Medicine With Pill Pockets

If you’ve got a smart dog that hates to take its medication, what can you do? Getting dogs to eat their medication can be tough, but fortunately, a pill pocket can get the job done. Pill pockets are easy to make at home with little more than peanut butter, flour, and milk. Mix tsp of milk and peanut butter with 2T of flour before storing it in the fridge. Once frozen, merely slide the dog’s medication into the mixture.

Apply Dog Toothpaste to a Rope Toy

Combine playtime with a grooming activity by applying dog toothpaste to your dog’s favorite rope toy. Some dogs will tolerate having their teeth brushed while others need to use the rope toy trick to freshen their breath. In either event, applying dog toothpaste to a rope toy will make for a quick and convenient way to freshen your dog’s breath, improve their oral hygiene, and have fun all at the same time.

A Window Squeegee Can Remove Fur From Carpet

If you have pets with long fur, the odds are good that you find it just about EVERYWHERE. Dog fur can quickly become a nuisance when it’s clinging to your carpet and furniture. If you have an old (and clean!) window squeegee around, you can use it to scrape the dog hair from your carpet and furniture. Seriously, it’s as easy and effective as it looks!

Grab Tweezers to Remove Ticks

Ticks are a serious issue for dogs, so it is important to know how to handle them. If you don’t have a handy tick removing device, grab for a pair of finely-tipped tweezers. Grab the tick near its mouth, the part nearest your dog’s skin, and pull until the insect is removed. Place the tick in alcohol to be certain that it is dead.

Rotate Rewards to Keep Training Entertaining

Does it feel like your dog is hitting a wall with its training? If you are struggling to teach your dog new tricks, consider bringing in new rewards to make training more exciting. Dogs can get bored just like we can, so spice up their education with yummy treats for the fun tricks that they are learning.

Use a White Towel to Check For Fleas

Do you fear that your dog has fleas? If you want to find out for sure either way, consider laying down a clean white towel. Get your dog to lay down on the towel while you brush through their fur. If the white towel starts to look dirty with flea dirt, you’ve got the answer to your question. If your dog does have fleas, make sure to act fast to get rid of them.

Build a Digging Box To Save Your Garden

Dogs love to dig and humans love to garden, so how can we compromise with one another? If you want to grow your garden in peace, consider building a digging box for your dog! Digging boxes are just cordoned sections of the yard filled with loamy soil that your dog can play whenever they want. This distraction box will keep your garden safe from your dog’s prying paws.

Clean Dog Drool With Vinegar Solution

Dried dog slobber is annoying in the best of times. When dog drool starts to stain your carpet, reach for a jar of vinegar and some hand soap. Mix one part of vinegar to three parts of hot water and add a drop or two of dish soap. The water will loosen the drool while the soap will clean the carpet of oils.

Incorporate Brushing Your Dogs Teeth Into Their Routine

Do you brush your dog’s teeth often? Do you EVER brush their teeth? Oral hygiene is important for our furry friends, so get into the habit of brushing their teeth early on in their life. The sooner your dog acclimates to having their teeth brushed, the better it will be for you as well as their health. Brush their teeth with special dog-formulated toothpaste for safety’s sake.

Monitor Your Dog During Thunderstorms

Some dogs can handle thunderstorms while others will head for the hills at the first sign of thunder. No matter how brave or big you might think your dog is, thunder can provide for a terrifying experience. Make sure to check in on your pets during storms to help comfort them should they need it. You can mist your dog with cool water to calm it down.

Fruits & Veggies Make GREAT Trainer Treats

If you don’t have any pet treats around, don’t go reaching for junk food. Instead, grab dog-friendly fruits and veggies as a healthy training solution for your furry friend. Dogs can eat carrots and snap peas with ease, but you will have to do some trial-and-error research to see what your dogs enjoy.

What dog wouldn’t want to get healthy while learning some new tricks?

Seal Dry Dog Food In Plastic Totes

No matter what brand of dog food you buy, it is important to keep the container sealed at all times. Dry dog food will quickly lose its fresh taste and texture after the bag is opened, so keep an airtight container on hand to seal the food away in after opening. These containers will help make the food taste better and last longer and we count that as a win for our dogs!

Use Your Old Clothes to Make a Pet Bed

Your dog loves you and they love your scent. If you want to give your pet a gift that they will cherish, consider making a pet bed out of an old sweatshirt of yours. Your furry companion will love its new bed and you will probably spend hours taking pictures of them as a result. But seriously, pet beds made out of old clothing can make for a wonderful gift to your dog.

Use Warm Water to Make Dry Food More Edible

We mentioned how important it is to keep dog food sealed tight to prevent spoilage, but did you know there are more food hacks of note? Dry dog food can be tough to eat for dogs that struggle to chew. You can make your pet’s dog food easy to consume by simply adding a bit of hot water to the bowl. Mix the contents around until the food has softened slightly before feeding your pet the mixture.

Protect Your Dog’s Ears From Earaches During Baths

Bathing your dog can be quite an accomplishment, especially when they don’t like water! With that being said, you should prepare your dog for the experience by putting slightly moistened cotton balls into their ears. These cotton balls should be moistened with baby oil for comfort as well as to prevent water from getting into the ear canal. The oil will also help to prevent potential earache issues from developing.

Rubber Gloves Are GREAT For Picking Up Dog Hair

Dog fur has a bad habit of getting absolutely everywhere. Even worse, it can be hard to clean up the fur due to how wispy it is! To get all of that meddlesome dog fur on the first swipe, consider wearing rubber gloves throughout the process. The fur will stick to your gloves, thus allowing you a quick and convenient cleaning session!


Brothers Rent Billboard and Start TikTok Account to Help Their Brother Find Love

Kevin Wells



When 34-year-old Chris Cooke told his siblings he might give up on finding “the one,” his twin brother Henry and younger brother Jamie decided to step in and help. They launched the “Find Chris Love” campaign, complete with a dedicated TikTok account and even a billboard, to help Chris find the love of his life.

“Chris is an awesome guy. He’s smart, funny, charismatic, outgoing, and handsome, of course, but he doesn’t always have the best luck in the romance department, so we figured we’d step in and see if we could help him out,” said Henry and Jamie Cooke.

The brothers went all out with their campaign. They created car magnets to spread the word around their Colorado community and set up online dating profiles for Chris, all without his knowledge. They gave themselves 30 days to find Chris a match.

For those interested in knowing more about Chris, Henry and Jamie shared that he is about 6 feet 4 inches tall, enjoys running half marathons, and was a ballroom dance teacher in New York before moving to Colorado. They described him as “smart, loyal, and a blast to be around.”

The “Find Chris Love” TikTok account is gaining traction quickly, with thousands of likes and at least 180 followers in just three weeks.

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Woman Finds New Purpose Helping Hedgehogs





Kitty Johnson was worried about feeling lonely when her son left for college. So, she found an unusual hobby – rescuing hedgehogs!

It all started in May 2023 when Kitty got a call about a sick hedgehog in a park. She rushed out with gloves and a box, found the little animal, and took it to a sanctuary. The hedgehog lived, and Kitty felt great about helping.

Kitty always loved nature, but she didn’t know much about hedgehogs before. She joined a group that helps these spiky creatures because she wanted to stay busy when her son went to college.

At first, Kitty answered phone calls about hedgehogs. But she wanted to be more active, so she became a “hedgehog driver.” Now she goes all over her town looking for hedgehogs that need help. She finds them in gardens, graveyards, and even compost bins!

In one year, Kitty has saved about 30 hedgehogs. Some were hurt or sick and needed to go to the vet. Others were babies left alone by their moms. Kitty says, “They’re not just cute but they’re also amazing animals, native to our country, that need protecting.”

Kitty made her own garden safe for hedgehogs. She put out food for them and made holes in her fence so they can travel through. She even has a camera to watch them!

Now Kitty is writing a book about hedgehogs. She says helping these animals makes her feel good and keeps her busy. Even though her son is away at school, Kitty found a new way to feel useful and happy.

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From Streets to Home: A Dog’s Remarkable Transformation

Renee Yates



In a heartwarming tale that underscores the transformative power of love, a once “sad little street dog” found a forever home, dramatically altering its life for the better.

Initially discovered by an animal rescue center, the stray dog was in poor condition, with matted and dirty fur, and a noticeable wariness of humans. Its future seemed uncertain until a woman, moved by photographs she saw on Facebook, decided to adopt the little pooch.

The adoption marked a turning point in the dog’s life. Fast forward three months, and the shy, forlorn street dog has become a lively and joyful house pet. Photos shared by the new owner on Reddit capture this incredible journey, showing the dog happily playing in a grassy yard, grinning widely, and enjoying the company of a furry friend and a cozy bed.

The Reddit post, titled “From sad little street dog to happy housepet in three months,” quickly resonated with the community, garnering over 1,200 upvotes and a slew of positive comments. One user remarked, “So adorable. Thank you for taking care of him and giving him a lovely home and family.” Another noted, “He’s got such a personality! Shines through the photos. Thank you for saving him.” A third added, “Aww. What a darling. Glad you were there to take this honeyface in and give him the love that all the sweet pups deserve.”

The story also sheds light on the broader issue of homeless dogs. According to Dogster, around 100,000 canines are currently homeless in the UK. This poignant transformation underscores the profound impact that adopting a homeless pet can have, not just on the animal but also on the adopter. The woman who adopted the dog shared her feelings, saying, “He has done so much for us! He’s so sweet and easy to love, and he has completed our first dog’s life by being a patient and gentle best friend towards her (she can be very clingy)… It’s been awesome getting to know him and getting to see him get to be a puppy!”

This touching narrative serves as a powerful reminder of the difference a loving home can make, encouraging more people to consider adopting homeless animals. The joy and fulfillment that come with giving a pet a second chance are immeasurable, benefiting both the animal and its new family.

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High School President Expresses Gratitude with Personal Touch

Kevin Wells



A high school class president in Massachusetts, showing a remarkable sense of appreciation, decided to honor each of his fellow graduates with personal thank-you notes. This touching gesture took center stage at their commencement ceremony.

Mason Macuch, the class president of Apponequet Regional High School in Lakeville, MA , delivered a speech on June 7, where he revealed his thoughtful plan. “I wish I could’ve acknowledged you all, but there was simply not enough time,” he said. “Instead, I want you to reach under your chairs, where you will find a personal note that I’ve written to each of you as a way to say one final goodbye and thank you for making these years that will soon pass the ‘good ole days.’”

Under the chairs, the graduating seniors discovered 5-by-7-inch white cards, each containing a heartfelt message. Macuch had spent about 10 hours crafting these notes, a labor of love that reflected his connections with many of his classmates. “I just wrote anything from farewell messages to little memories that I had with whoever I was writing to, or maybe if it was a close friend, a longer message to them,” Macuch explained. “Anything that I could think of about the person I wanted to say about them before we graduated and went on our separate ways.”

The initiative required the approval of school administrators, and on the day of the ceremony, Macuch, along with an assistant principal and a teacher, arrived early to tape the cards under the chairs. His effort did not go unnoticed; many graduates thanked him personally, and parents expressed their appreciation through social media.

Macuch’s act of kindness was not just a farewell; it was a testament to the bonds formed over the years. “Some people I hadn’t talked to in a few years were just so thankful for them. It was really nice to see that they were just so appreciative of all the hard work that went into them, and it was a really nice way to say goodbye to everyone,” he reflected.

As he prepares to start college in the fall, with plans to study biochemistry, Macuch’s gesture serves as a lasting reminder of the power of gratitude and personal connection. His mother’s advice on writing thank-you notes undoubtedly played a significant role in this memorable act of appreciation.

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Cat Reunited with Owner 12 Years After Disappearing: ‘Didn’t Feel Real’

Kevin Wells



A family that had lost hope of ever seeing their cat again received surprising news recently. After 12 long years, their cat, Artie, has been reunited with its owner.

Artie disappeared from the home of Theo-Will McKenna, 29, after the family moved from Blacon in Chester to Connah’s Quay in Flintshire, Wales, back in 2012. McKenna, who was 17 at the time, spent six months searching for Artie, but eventually, the family lost hope.

Then, just three weeks ago, Artie was discovered after spending four days in a garden close to where the family used to live in Connah’s Quay.

“I hadn’t been able to take him with me when I moved out, and my mom moved to Connah’s Quay with him, my brother, and our other pets,” McKenna explained. “I was in college in the area, so I’d pop back to visit once a week or so.” One day, when McKenna was visiting home, his mom reported that Artie was missing. “He hadn’t come back in a couple of days — and he’d never done that before. He used to come back every night.”

McKenna immediately went out to look for Artie, walking around the entire area with a bag full of treats but found nothing. He kept an eye out for Artie every time he was in the area, but there was no sign of him. “After about six months, I lost hope. I reached the point where I thought that either, God forbid, something had happened to him, or someone else had taken him in.”

Residents at the home where Artie was found took him to the vet, who discovered a microchip registered to McKenna’s mom, with a contact number for North Clwyd Animal Rescue (NCAR). NCAR picked up Artie and shared a post on Facebook to find his owners. A friend saw the post and recognized Artie, sending it to McKenna.

McKenna explained that Artie showed up in someone’s garden near where his mom had lived in Connah’s Quay. Artie stayed there for four days, not leaving at all. The vet’s office scanned Artie’s microchip and saw that it was still registered to McKenna’s mom at their old address. When they found out that she no longer lived there, they reached out to NCAR, who reclaimed Artie from the vet.

Artie had some medical issues that needed attention. He had some teeth removed, treatment for hyperthyroidism, and had precancerous lumps removed from his ears. NCAR got him stable and then posted about him on their Facebook page. “My friend saw it and sent me the post — it took me a second to recognize him because he looked so bedraggled and skinny,” McKenna said. “It didn’t feel real. I thought there was no way it could be him. It had been 12 years — he went missing when I was 17. I thought no cat could survive 12 years on the street.”

Once McKenna picked up Artie, he took him home to his current apartment, where Artie is now getting used to living with McKenna’s other cat. “We’re still in the trial period, but he’s been completely fine. He’s purring up a storm every time I go near him. My other cat has been a little bit wary, but we’ve been doing introductory methods and getting her used to his smell. It’s a slow process, but I’m absolutely determined that he’s staying with me.”

McKenna believes that people must have been looking after Artie over the years, putting out food or taking him in. “I don’t think he would have made it 12 years without community kindness.”

Artie is now 16 years old and will need ongoing medical care, with his medicine costing about $64 per month. McKenna has started a fundraiser online to help with the cat’s medical expenses. “I want him to be able to spend his twilight years somewhere that he’s loved — which will be here,” he said.

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