The Most Amazing Cat Pictures
Best Buddies
It is a common belief that cats do not get along with dogs and other creatures. Contrary to popular opinion, however, cats really can get along with anyone- even their so-called natural born enemies! These pictures are all about spreading the love. Maybe humans can learn a little something from this display of unconditional love? Maybe we can really can all learn to get along.
Both furry and cuddly, these two pals are going to burrow in the rug together and keep each other warm. Cold weather is always better with a pal.

Unlikely Duo
Cats lean on each other when times are tough. The even lean on their canine friends if need be. This unlikely duo looks like it has been an incredibly difficult day. The two love relying on each other for support.

Lift Up
They know how to lift each other up when they cannot carry on alone and how to accept help when they need it.

They even share a kiss from time to time, even with the noisy bird that loves to peck at their paws and squawk when it is nap time.

These four-legged babies have mastered the art of sleeping where they lay- or sit. And they have learned the importance of rest. This fuzzy feline could not go on another minute. I have been there more than once.

Working It Out
Though naps and rest are vital to health, cats also know the importance of physical activity, so they fit in their 30 minutes of movement a day. This little guy is training for his time in the ring. He just finished up his sit-ups and jump roping. Now he is doing his favorite part- bobbing and weaving! He is starting young so that he can defeat his big brothers who like to tackle him. If he practices enough, he will be a pro by the time he is grown.

On a Ledge
And here we see the excellent balance and tight rope skills that they work at. That is some talent right there! I cannot see myself being brave enough to attempt this. Can you? I guess the view is worth the risk.

Embracing Paws and Flaws
We cannot all be perfect, right? Cats have learned to accept their imperfections and focus on the positive.

After a tough day at work or school, kitties love to cuddle up. These two fur babies fell asleep in the middle of their homework. I think a few of us have been there before.

Hugs Take #2
And they hold each other tight. These sweet babies know how to cuddle. Look how peaceful they are resting knowing that they are safe and loved. Studies show that petting and cuddling with a pet can help treat anxiety. I bet these two are some calm kitties.

They Really Do Love Their Humans
Look at this baby smiling away at the love of her life- her human. (It might be behind her back, though, since kitty cats love to act as though they do not care.)

Cats Dress Appropriately
This kitty wants to play in the snow. He knows it is cold outside and makes sure that he is dressed appropriately for the weather. No cold or flu here! He’s a great role model for his two-legged siblings.

Brutal Honesty
One of the greatest things about cats is that you can trust them to tell you like it is. No holds barred, no sugar coating, no beating around the bush- just the cold hard truth with nothing more than a look.
“Mom, no! Stop it! That’s a horrible idea! You are going to embarrass me! You’ll embarrass yourself, too, and regret it later! And maybe you should change your shirt. Red is really not your color.”

Sweet Dreams
Kitty cats dream in sparkles and rainbows, peace and love. This little one’s projecting its dreams outward to share them with us.

They Are Not Too Proud to Beg
These sweet things will let you know when they want something. They will even beg if necessary. I hear people mention “puppy dog eyes” all the time. I could be wrong but judging from this picture, I think kitten eyes might be pretty effective, too. I mean, could you say “no” to this adorable face?

I do not think this one is going to take “No” for an answer. He really wants something from the ice cream truck.

Kitties Love Letting Their Hair Down…And Their Tongues Hang
Look at this cutie! Eyes full of wonder and that little tongue….maybe he is entranced by the bag of kitty treats his mom just brought home. Or maybe he is staring at the goldfish bowl amazed by the little guys swimming around and around.

Air Cat
I cannot decide if this guy just likes making silly faces or if he has not yet recovered from the catnip party last night. Either way, what a cutie!

They Keep Themselves Pretty Clean
Even the little ones bathe themselves like this one below. Isn’t he precious? “Really? You’re just going to sit there and watch? How about some privacy, please?”

The Term “Cool Cat” Had To Come From Somewhere
This baby is giving us a lesson in style and bringing back some great memories. I can just picture John Lennon and hear Ted Nugent singing “Cat Scratch Fever”. For the younger ones who have no clue who those people are, can you not hear “Cooler Than Me” playing in the background when this guy walks into the room?

Their Eyes Can Be Absolutely Mesmerizing
These eyes are so beautiful that it is hard to look away. The shades of blue are amazing enough on their own. Add that to the marbled look and they are perfect. Does anyone know where I can get some contacts in this color?

They Are Very Studious
Yet another great role model for children! This cat knows the importance of reading and education. I can see him snuggling up for bedtime stories with his kids.

They Love Selfies and Are Great Photographers
How much more perfect can a selfie get? He got a great angle and an awesome background. I’m sure we will see this on his Instagram account later.

Between the snow and the beautiful sunset, this guy has his nature selfies mastered. Sharing the camera with his canine pal on the left is another story.

New Crew in Town
Does this not remind you of that one friend that always takes pictures at the worst times? Like when no one else is looking at the camera or before you have time to pose? I thought that was just a human thing. I guess I was wrong!

They Are Awesome at Playing Hide and Seek
I have to admit, this is a great spot to hide. I mean, who would think to look here? I don’t think I would have thought of this spot. And he looks so comfortable that he could probably stay there for days. Good luck to his hide-and-seek opponent! You are going to need it!

Hiding behind a tree may seem like a bit of an obvious spot, but people keep hiding behind them for a reason. Looks like this kitty cat realizes that tried and true ways are worth it. And she looks absolutely adorable while hiding there!

Cat Burrito
Snug as a bug in a rug- that’s what this baby is. This hiding spot is absolutely genius! It is brilliant! I think that the other player should just give up now. The game is over- there is no finding this little love! She has once again outwitted her opponent.

They Love Putting On Makeup
Like some human girls I know, this precious girl spent hours getting her eyeliner just right. It makes her blue eyes stand out so well. I wonder how long she had to practice to master this look?

These Expressions Though
After dress shopping with her human today, they finally found the perfect one. The bride to be must be a beauty from the look on this fur baby’s face.

They Are Sneaky Little Suckers
Like this one pictured here. It looks like an innocent move. Perhaps he is just running and playing or trying to chase his ball of yarn. Maybe he is being good…

Cats Are Some Fierce and Determined Creatures
Look at this girl’s face. She may be little, but she is going as fast as she can to beat her older siblings to the food bowl. They have beaten her to the good stuff one too many times!

They Do Not Take Up Much Space
It is easy to share space with cats because they will just fit in wherever they can squeeze in. These cuties learned that being stackable was a desired trait among homeowners, so they watched and learned.

They Let Nothing Stand In The Way Of Their New Year’s Resolutions
The beauty in this picture decided it was time to drop a few pounds and is going to make sure to make that happen. I can hear her now…

They Accept Differences
It is clear that one of these cuties looks quite different from the other three. Instead of shunning him though, they surround him and make him part of their group. And what an adorable group they make!

Siblings Treat One Another Well
The little brother is following his older brother around. Though humans tend to find that annoying, cats do not seem to mind. After all, how else is the little guy going to learn to chase mice and make his way in the world? Someone has to show him the ropes of feline life.

They Love to Dress Up
This cute little guy fell asleep while stepping into his role as king. Looks like his first day was exhausting. Being a leader is a really tough job but somebody has to do it…right after his nap.

NBA Forward Trades Hoops for Chalk: Inspires Students in Brooklyn Classroom

For most professional athletes, reaching the NBA is the pinnacle of achievement. But for Brooklyn Nets star Mikal Bridges, it’s only part of the story. The 6’6″ forward has a lesser-known aspiration: becoming a teacher.
“I’ve always wanted to be a second-grade teacher,” Bridges shared during a recent visit to PS 134 in Brooklyn. “Helping kids has always been something I’m passionate about.”
Bridges’ dream stems from his own childhood in Philadelphia, where a standout teacher left a lasting impression. “Second grade was one of my favorite years,” he said. “Ms. Porter made school special for me. She showed me how impactful a teacher can be, and that stuck with me.”
While Bridges’ basketball journey took center stage, his classroom ambitions took a temporary spotlight when he stepped into the role of a substitute teacher for the day. Despite arriving in Brooklyn at 1:30 a.m. after a commanding 120-101 victory against the Cleveland Cavaliers, Bridges was ready to meet the energy of the students.
A Star on the Court and in the Classroom
The day began in the gym, where Bridges organized a game of knockout with a group of fourth graders. The students were brimming with excitement, not just to meet an NBA player but to engage with someone who genuinely cared about their experience.
“Their energy got me going,” Bridges admitted. “They made it easy to jump in and have fun.”
The students seized the rare opportunity to pepper him with questions. One curious child asked, “How do you balance your personal life with basketball?” Bridges, drafted in 2018 and a rising star in the league, took the question in stride.
“Time management is the key,” he explained. “During the season, I travel a lot, so it’s hard. But over the years, I’ve learned to balance it with hanging out with friends and preparing for games.”
In between the laughter and learning, a student’s practical question brought smiles all around: “If your family comes to games, do they get free tickets?” Bridges confirmed with a grin, “Yes, they do.”
Learning Alongside the Kids
After gym class, Bridges joined a first-grade music lesson, where the tables turned. “The kids were teaching me how to play the xylophone,” he said, chuckling at his struggles. “One of them had to point to the notes on the board for me. I finally got it!”
Lunch brought more laughs as Bridges entertained riddles from first graders, and recess became a playground full of awe-struck students marveling at his height and requesting hugs.
Math Class with Mr. Bridges
Perhaps the highlight of the day came during math class, Bridges’ self-proclaimed favorite subject. “Math was always easy for me growing up,” he shared. “I’d help my classmates by breaking down problems in ways that made sense to me. Teaching it felt natural.”
His enthusiasm for numbers translated into lively engagement with the students. They eagerly soaked up his tips and tricks for problem-solving, enjoying their time with their temporary math instructor.
A Shared Dream
While students saw their hero in an entirely new light, the experience was just as meaningful for Bridges. “Teachers shape us,” he reflected. “We spend so much time with them, and they help us grow as people. They don’t always get the recognition they deserve.”
Bridges has already begun to envision life beyond basketball. “This is just the first part of my journey,” he explained. “Teaching is next. Maybe even becoming a principal one day. Who knows?”
For the students at PS 134, the visit was unforgettable. And for Bridges, it was a chance to live out a childhood dream—proving that he’s just as impactful in the classroom as he is on the court.
After Hurricane Helene: A North Carolina Woman Uses Social Media to Reunite Families with Lost Photos

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, which ravaged parts of North Carolina, a unique story of recovery and humanity emerged. Amid the destruction, Taylor Schenker of Canton, North Carolina, took it upon herself to reunite families with cherished photographs scattered by the storm.
Hurricane Helene struck in October, leaving widespread devastation in its wake. While Schenker’s home remained intact, her friend’s house near the Swannanoa River was completely destroyed. “We spent hours digging through the mud, trying to salvage anything we could,” Schenker recalled. During this process, she found a handful of photographs and laid them out with other recovered items, hoping their owners might return for them.
But the idea of those photos being lost haunted her. “These little pieces of history had survived the storm,” she said. “I couldn’t bear the thought of them being swept away again.” The next day, she returned to collect the photos and soon found more, realizing they belonged to multiple families. By the end of her efforts, Schenker had amassed over 200 photos, some contributed by search and rescue teams. She carefully cleaned and organized them, determined to return them to their rightful owners.
Reuniting Memories
Using an Instagram page she named “Photos from Helene,” Schenker began posting the pictures. Her efforts quickly gained attention, and families started recognizing their long-lost snapshots. To date, she has reunited approximately 15% of the photos with their owners.
One particularly poignant reunion involved a mother who had lost all photographs of her late son when her home was destroyed. “When I met her to return the photos, it was incredibly emotional,” Schenker shared. Later, during another search, she found yet another picture of the boy, deepening the connection between her efforts and the lives she was touching.
Becky and Nancy Tate, a mother and daughter, also discovered their photos through the Instagram page. Nancy described the surreal moment of scrolling on social media and seeing a childhood Christmas picture of herself. “It was covered in dirt, but I immediately recognized it,” she said. Becky Tate expressed her gratitude, describing the discovery as “a moment of joy and disbelief.”
The Power of Community
Schenker’s project has become a collective effort, with many former neighbors tagging each other in Instagram comments and helping connect families to their photos. “The sense of community is amazing,” she said. “People recognize each other’s memories and come together to help.”
Her Instagram page’s name reflects her mission: while most images from the hurricane depict destruction, the photos she shares capture joyful moments and milestones. “These are snapshots of the lives lived here,” she explained. “Amid all the debris, they’re reminders of what makes this community special.”
Looking Ahead
Despite the challenges of recovery, Schenker’s work continues to provide hope. She mails photos to families who have relocated and hand-delivers them to those still nearby. Her story exemplifies the resilience and kindness that have come to define Asheville in the wake of Hurricane Helene.
“Seeing the joy these photos bring makes it all worthwhile,” she said. “In the face of such loss, even small wins mean so much.”
Reviving the Andes: How ‘Cloud Trees’ Are Restoring Ecosystems and Ensuring Water Security

The Andes Mountains, stretching across South America, are a natural wonder rich in biodiversity. Among the towering peaks roam spectacled bears, pumas, and the mighty Andean condor. Yet, nestled high in these rugged landscapes grow forests of polylepis trees—often called “cloud trees” for their incredible ability to capture and release water. These ancient trees, though lesser-known, are vital to both ecosystems and the millions of people who rely on the Andes’ water sources.
The Unique Role of Polylepis Trees
Polylepis trees thrive at altitudes of up to 5,000 meters, making them the world’s highest-altitude trees. Their significance lies in their ability to absorb moisture from clouds and melting glaciers. The spongy moss that drapes their trunks stores and gradually releases this water, feeding mountain streams and, eventually, the Amazon River’s headwaters.
However, centuries of deforestation, grazing, and development have reduced the once-vast polylepis forests to a fraction of their original range. Today, only around 500,000 hectares remain—estimated to be just 1% to 10% of the historic coverage. The consequences are far-reaching: degraded ecosystems, eroded soil, disrupted water cycles, and increased vulnerability to flooding. For the millions living in the Andean foothills, these changes pose a growing risk to water security.
Reviving the Forests: A Community-Led Effort
One man determined to reverse this decline is Peruvian biologist Constantino Aucca Chutas. Inspired by his indigenous Quechua roots and deep respect for nature, Aucca co-founded Acción Andina in 2018. This ambitious reforestation initiative, in partnership with the US-based nonprofit Global Forest Generation and Peru’s Asociación Ecosistemas Andinos, aims to restore one million hectares of Andean forests by 2045.
“I grew up enjoying rivers and nature,” Aucca reflects. “I thought it would be fantastic if we could pass this to future generations.”
The effort began in Peru but has since expanded to Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Colombia. To date, Acción Andina has planted more than 10 million polylepis trees, thanks to the participation of thousands of indigenous families. This collective approach mirrors the Incan concept of Ayni and Minka—working together for the common good.
A Festival of Trees
One of the most striking events in this initiative is the annual Queuña Raymi festival, held in the valleys around Cusco. The festival is a cultural and environmental celebration that begins with traditional music, dances, and rituals to honor Pachamama (Mother Earth). Participants—men, women, and children in colorful traditional attire—then climb the mountains, carrying saplings of native polylepis trees on their backs.
In a single day, communities have planted as many as 100,000 trees using propagation methods that ensure healthy growth. Recognizing the unique adaptations of polylepis trees to their environments, Acción Andina ensures that only local species are planted.
The work doesn’t stop with planting. To safeguard the saplings, the initiative installs protective fencing, develops fire prevention programs, and works closely with local communities to maintain the growing trees.
Benefits for Communities and the Planet
The collaboration extends beyond reforestation. In exchange for their efforts, communities receive support such as improved medical care, solar energy installations, and help securing legal rights to their land. These protections are crucial to preventing exploitation from industries like mining, logging, and oil extraction.
Aucca highlights the importance of indigenous knowledge, noting that locals, who have lived alongside these forests for generations, understand the trees in ways that outsiders cannot. This shared wisdom strengthens the initiative and ensures its long-term success.
“They’ve seen how these trees grow their whole lives,” Aucca explains. “Their knowledge is invaluable.”
Global Recognition and the Power of Collective Action
Acción Andina has become a model for community-driven conservation. In 2022, the initiative earned Aucca the United Nations’ “Champion of the Earth” title. Two years later, it received the prestigious Earthshot Prize, established by Prince William, for its groundbreaking work in restoring nature.
Elizabeth Mrema, Deputy Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme, praised the project’s global significance. “The nature benefits of polylepis forests are immense. They capture moisture, prevent soil erosion, and play a major role in water security,” Mrema told CNN.
The success of Acción Andina highlights the importance of collaboration. By uniting indigenous communities, environmental groups, and policymakers, the initiative demonstrates that large-scale conservation is not only possible but essential.
“Protecting Mother Earth is a responsibility for all of us,” Aucca says. “We cannot do it alone.”
A Future Built on Tradition
The work of Acción Andina reminds us of the wisdom of past generations. The Inca civilization thrived by living in harmony with nature, a philosophy that resonates today. With millions of trees already planted and millions more to come, polylepis forests are slowly being restored, ensuring a sustainable future for the Andes and the people who call them home.
By honoring traditions, empowering communities, and embracing collective action, these ancient cloud trees are once again nurturing life across the mountains—one sapling at a time.
Beaver Family Released in Scottish Forest Takes First Swim

A family of beavers has been reintroduced to the wild at Loch Ard Forest near Aberfoyle in a heartwarming step for Scotland’s ecosystem restoration efforts. The group, consisting of two adults and three kits, was released into a carefully restored wetland habitat in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. A video of the beavers taking their first swim has captured the imagination of conservationists and nature lovers alike.
A Collaborative Conservation Effort
The release was the result of a partnership between Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS), the Beaver Trust, and the Loch Lomond park authority. Over the past 13 months, FLS has relocated 24 beavers to lands it manages, demonstrating its commitment to rewilding and biodiversity.
At the release site, FLS has spent decades creating a wetland environment designed to support diverse wildlife. Katy Anderson, Central Region Environment Forester for FLS, shared the project’s history:
“The ponds we created back in 2006 had already shown their suitability when we successfully introduced water voles to the area in 2008. This mix of extensive wetlands, wet woodland, and new native woodland makes an ideal setting for the beavers to adjust to their new life.”
To make the transition smoother, the team left piles of freshly cut willow—one of the beavers’ favorite foods—by the water’s edge.
The Return of Beavers to Scotland
Beavers were hunted to extinction in Scotland during medieval times, but their reintroduction began in 2009. Since then, their population has steadily grown, and they are increasingly being recognized for their role as ecosystem engineers. By building dams and creating ponds, beavers enhance biodiversity and improve water quality in their habitats.
The area around Duchray Water, where the family was released, features a network of ponds and native woodlands that has been in development for over 30 years. This environment not only benefits the beavers but also supports numerous other species, such as water voles, birds, and aquatic insects.
A Step Toward Ecosystem Recovery
The release of this beaver family is part of broader efforts to restore Scotland’s natural landscapes and wildlife. Wetlands, like the one at Loch Ard, are crucial for mitigating climate change impacts, reducing flooding, and providing habitats for diverse species.
FLS and its partners hope that the beavers will thrive in their new environment and contribute to the ecological recovery of the region. Their presence is a reminder of how nature, given the right conditions, can reclaim its place and flourish once again.
As the beavers settle into their new home, their activities will undoubtedly shape the environment, benefiting a wide range of species and bringing new vitality to the restored wetlands.
Unbelievable – Good Dogs & Cats Saving Lives As Blood Donors

Not all heroes wear capes—some wag their tails or purr softly after life-saving blood donations. At the DoveLewis blood bank in Portland, Oregon, dogs and cats are quietly helping to save lives by donating blood for pets in need of emergency transfusions.
How Pet Blood Donation Works
Dogs, with their generally cooperative natures, often make excellent blood donors. To qualify, donor dogs must weigh at least 55 pounds, be between 1 and 6 years old, and maintain good health. They also need to tolerate—or even enjoy—the donation process without requiring sedation. Cats, on the other hand, are less willing participants and must be sedated during the procedure, which is why DoveLewis limits its feline donors to those owned by veterinary professionals.
The donation process for dogs involves a quick draw of about a pint of blood from the jugular vein. It takes less than 10 minutes, and donors are comforted with weighted blankets, gentle handling, and plenty of love from their owners.
Rewards for Donors
While dogs like Dolly, a 7-year-old Labrador retriever, may not understand the full impact of their donation, they clearly enjoy the perks. Participating pets receive free annual lab work, discounted parasite prevention medications, and urgent care visits. After each session, they’re rewarded with baby food treats, toys, and trading cards featuring their photos and fun facts.
These cards, shared with the families of recipient pets, highlight the connection between donors and those they save. Dolly’s blood, for instance, has helped a terrier mix with post-birth complications and a border collie poisoned by ibuprofen. Her donations have even traveled as far as Florida and Texas to save lives.
The Growing Need for Pet Blood Banks
Pet blood is vital for treating trauma, anemia, immune diseases, and surgical complications. According to Kelsey Reinauer, DoveLewis’s blood bank manager, there’s a significant shortage of veterinary blood in the U.S., especially for cats.
“Many small practices rely on in-house donors from employees’ pets,” Reinauer explains. “But with dogs having more than a dozen blood types and cats having three, finding the right match can be challenging.”
Universal blood donors are particularly valuable because their blood can stabilize cats in emergencies until a feline donor can be found. Reinauer recalls a case where cat blood was used to stabilize a ferret until another ferret could serve as a donor.
Community Participation and Other Programs
DoveLewis isn’t the only organization welcoming pet donors. Blood banks at VCA Northwest in Clackamas, Willamette Veterinary Hospital in Corvallis, and the Veterinary Referral Center of Central Oregon in Bend also accept canine and feline donors. These programs provide similar benefits, including free exams, lab work, and discounted medications.
For pet owners, the donation process is more than just a transaction—it’s a partnership. Reinauer emphasizes communication between staff and owners to ensure that pets are comfortable and stress-free.
Why It Matters
Blood donation in pets saves lives and highlights the bond between humans and their animal companions. Whether stabilizing a trauma patient or treating chronic illnesses, the gift of blood extends the lives of countless animals. For owners like Denise Duncan, whose dog Dolly loves the baby food treats and toys, the act of donating is a way to give back to the pet community.
If you’re interested in learning whether your dog qualifies as a donor, visit dovelewis.org to make an appointment. By donating, your pet could join the ranks of these unsung heroes, bringing wagging tails and life-saving blood to those in need.
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