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25 Fitness Tips That EVERY Gym Enthusiast Needs to Know

Every great journey begins with a single solitary step. In the fitness world, we begin our journey toward health and wellness in earnest when we begin putting in the work. As many newcomers to the world of exercise have come to realize, simply working hard will not always lead to direct and effective results. Do you feel like you are hitting your limits, spinning your tires, or otherwise stalling out with your fitness progress?

To enjoy a more successful journey toward your fitness resolutions, consider incorporating 25 of these secret fitness tips that every gym enthusiast needs to know!

1. Work Your Way Up the Weights

Getting into shape through exercise and fitness requires an understanding of the journey along the way. You don’t start your weight lifting journey by going straight for the heaviest deadlift you can handle. Instead, slowly work your way up in weight until you are failing at roughly 30 to 40 seconds into your set.

The process described above is known as time under tension and is ideal for stimulating muscle growth.

2. Figure Out What Works For Your Body Type

You have probably read a thousand of those success stories that talk about trying every fad diet & every fad workout and having no results UNTIL that one thing. It’s true, all our bodies are built different and what works for your best friend, might not work for you. Korescale is a scale that uses biometric sensors to break-down your BMI, body fat, muscle mass, and body water, so you can see where you are hitting plateaus and how to get past them. Plus it’s just a really great scale for checking your weight in general. Currently 50% off through the end of the week – click here.

3. You CAN’T Outwork a Bad Diet

Spend more than five minutes with any personal trainer in the world and you will quickly learn the importance of dieting. Food isn’t just what fuels our body, it is what our body needs for us to reach all of our goals. A balanced meal consisting of complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats can contribute toward success in the weight room and in life.

4. Purchase A Heart Rate Monitor

Whether you are trying to gain muscle or burn fat, a heart rate monitor can be a tool of expediency. Heart rate monitors can be used with mobile fitness trackers to track and analyze the intensity of your workout routine. Keeping your heart rate in the right range can lead to more productive fitness sessions. 

Use a fitness tracker and heart rate monitor combined to maximize the impact of your effort at the gym! Our favorite is KoreTrak because it’s affordable, but also has all the functions of something fancier – like an Apple Watch. Koretrak monitors heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen level, tracks steps, tracks calories, text message alerts, missed calls, find your phone, and time / weather / location. Click here for a KoreTrak Discount Code.

5. Target A Wide Range of Motion in the Gym

Did you know the best way to get the most out of your workout is by targeting exercises with a full range of motion? It’s true! When you target exercises with a wider range of motion, your muscles are forced to do more work per rep. This effort leads to more muscle tissue breaking down by the end of the workout, thus leading to more gains!

6. Relax And Let Your Muscles Recover

As your workout, your muscles strain and pull apart. Your body recovers from this by “refusing” the fibers and making them bigger and strong – hence the term – building your muscles. It’s important to allow your body recovery time. Hydration, stretching, a warm bath, and massage are all great ways to speed up recovery. Two products we like that can help with any pain + speed up recovery are NeckRelax and Kaydia Patch

Neck Relax makes a great product that helps you loosen and relax your body hands-free. You strain your neck more then you think when lifting and moving – clenching your jaw, etc. They are running a special for 50% off here.

Kaydia Patch we actually wear while doing cardio and when recovering. It’s a patch with nano technology that targets pain. It’s reusable and helps you keep a clean regiment (no pain pills), but without suffering through recovery days. They are also running a discount this time of year – click here for the discount code.

7. Get Comfortable With Exhaustion During Workouts

Endurance training focuses on total effort during a concentrated period of time. The goal here is to completely exhaust our muscles, so we have to prepare for exhaustion from the get-go. Pullups, pushups, squats, and rows are all great lifts to really push ourselves while defining our endurance capabilities.

8. Get In The Groove

Seriously, pump those jams. Research has shown that listening to music while working out can put you in a better mood, make you workout longer, AND increase you stamina. Since most newer phones don’t have a headphone jacks, it’s time you went wireless. DangoBuds are our pick for quality, affordability and style. Discount available here.

9. Strength Comes From Your Lower Body

If we really want to find results in the gym then we are going to have to attack our lower body with compound lifts. Compound lifts like squats, hip sleds, and deadlifts all do a great job of targeting stubborn fat. Additionally, your lower body is where the majority of your strength comes from and these exercises will prove it!

10. So Nice, We Listed It Twice – RECOVERY

Recovery really can’t be overstated. It is SO important to give your body time to heal and build. We recommend cardio or resistance training on your recovery days so you stay in the routine of working out, but also make sure you apply a muscle pain relief product and get some massages in.

We asked our resident fitness guru, Steve, what his two recovery secrets are and he said Muscle Care and LaidBack.

MuscleCare is a roll-on pain reliever for muscles. “It’s my secret weapon, most people buy a drugstore brand of pain reliever, but Muscle Care is the real deal. It works fast and actually smells good” said Steve.

LaidBack,” Steve said with a smile and a glance at his feet, “Is a foot massager that provides all over body relief.” Steve is actually using LaidBack as we speak, I didn’t even notice. He says its great for in the office and his body is so tense after a hard workout that LaidBack really helps loosen him up. Currently on sale here.

11. Meal Preparation Is the KEY to Success

The easiest way to ruin a great workout is by eating a bad meal. Limit your exposure to impulse purchases and junk food by preparing your meals ahead of time. Pick a day of the week to prepare and freeze all of your meals and you’ll never go without!

12. Low Impact, High Resistance Training Yields BIG results

Resistance bands are great for low impact, high resistance training. They help you maintain muscle mass and improve flexibility and endurance, while putting low-strain on your body. KoreTense makes some nice resistance bands and they usually have a deal on the package of 5 bands, straps, bag, etc. We like to use the resistance bands on the days we don’t make it to the gym.

13. Map Out Your Fitness Journey

Before you pick up your first weight or book your first personal training session, take some time to clarify your goals. What are you looking to accomplish? Do you want to trim fat? Build muscle? Improve your cardiovascular endurance? Specific goals will require specific workouts, diets, and supplements. Don’t waste your effort by working in the wrong direction!

14. Take Care Of Your Knees

As Baz Luhrmann says in his advice filled song, “Be kind to your knees, youll miss them when they’re gone.” Exercise can be killer on the knees. They take a lot of the impact, especially when running, fortunately knee braces can both protect them and alleviate any knee pain. Circa Knee was invented by a chronic knee pain sufferer – it’s comfortable and let’s us take workouts to the next level knowing that our knees are protected.

15. Learn Which Supplements Work Best For You

Depending on who you talk to, fitness supplements are either the best things or the worst things to ever happen to the fitness world. While there are countless fitness supplements on the market, there are a few that we would prioritize. Creatine is an ideal muscle-building supplement when used properly. BCAAs also help stimulate quicker muscle recovery. 

Talk to your personal trainer to clarify your goals while discussing the supplements that might work best for you.

16. Master the Art of Proper Hydration

Did you know that a majority of the country walks around dehydrated during the average day? It’s true, far too few of us actually drink enough water to meet our hydration needs and this problem is amplified in the fitness world. Drink enough water to ensure the health of your GI tract so that nutrients are properly absorbed. Active fitness enthusiasts should aim for roughly one gall of water a day.

17. Find Your Motivation and Make It Count

When we work on any hard task, it can help to have a motivation to call upon when we begin to struggle. Motivation can take many different forms in the fitness world. Some of us are motivated by a desire to live healthier while others want to sculpt an aesthetically pleasing body. No matter your goals, find what motivates you, and stick to it when times are tough!

18. Lock Down Your Portion Control

Learn to eat with purpose by paying attention to how your portions look on your plate. Chicken, meat, and fish should stick to portions the size of your palm. Pasta should be portioned out roughly to the size of your fist. In order to promote healthier portion control, consider utilizing smaller bowls or plates to help.

19. Adjust Your Rest Periods For Different Lifts

Taking a break during a hard routine is normal. Taking an extended break during your lift can end up causing you harm. Stick to around 45 seconds at most between sets because this will best help you to improve your endurance. As you begin lifting heavier weights, you can start extending your rest periods.

20. Master Your Form Before Lifting Heavier Weights

While it is always fun to lift heavy weights, we really need to make sure that our form is in place before doing so. Workout with a trainer or a friend so that you can get feedback on your form. Proper form while lifting can help prevent injuries while also more accurately targeting muscle groups during your lift.

21. Carefully Incorporate Cardio Depending On Goals

If your goal is to lose weight and cut down on fat, ramp up your cardio and make sure that you are staying hydrated. If your goal is to gain muscle, then you really need to limit your exposure to cardiovascular training. For strength training, make sure to incorporate a light jog or some time on the treadmill a few times during the week. 

22. Change Your Workout Routine to Inspire Results

When you walk into a fitness center, it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the many machines and weights available to you. There is a reason why gyms have so many pieces of equipment and it is because change is IMPORTANT! Change up your fitness routine to prevent boredom while maximizing your results. Your body can get used to a certain routine and that can lead to diminishing results. Changing up your routine often can keep things fresh and fruitful!

23. Find a Workout Partner to Hold You Accountable

Everything is more fun when it is done with a friend and exercise is no exception. While we understand how fun it is to lift alone, working out with a partner can be a powerful motivator. Not only will you have a friend to encourage your growth, but you will have someone to monitor your form, hold you accountable, and inspire your journey. Of course, you will offer the same thing to them!

24. Workout When It Works Best For Your Schedule

Going through college, I knew that the only time I could get a lift in was after class at night. Instead of trying to jam in an early morning lift when I knew I’d be tired, I scheduled post-class workouts. Make sure that you are always scheduling your workout routines around YOU. There is nothing wrong with waking up early or going to bed late, just fit it into your schedule and the results will come!

25. Track Your Journey Via Photographs

Whether you are trying to gain weight or trim stubborn belly fat, make sure to monitor your entire journey through photographs. Now, people might mock the fitness mirror selfie but we personally love it. These photos will work as both a reminder and a source of motivation as you push forward in your journey. 

Small changes are hard to notice, but photographic evidence is impossible to deny. Enjoy your journey, track your progress, and become the fitness enthusiast you’ve always yearned after!

Fitness Related Products We Recommend

  • KoreTrak Fitness Monitor to track your vitals and reach your fitness goals
  • KoreTense Resistance Bands for low impact resistance training that can be done at home
  • Neck Relax for neck pain recovery and all over body relief and relaxation
  • Kaydia Patch for nano technology pain relief on targeted muscles
  • Circa Knee for knee joint protection 
  • DangoBuds for powering up yourself workout by
  • listening to your favorite tunes (wirelessly!)
  • KoreScale for tracking not just your weight, but the break-down of BMI, water weight, and muscle mass.
  • LaidBack to massage your feet and relieve all over body tension during recovery
  • Muscle Care to rub on your sore muscles


New ‘Butter’ Made from CO2 Could Change Food Production

Kelly Taylor



A new type of butter that doesn’t need animals or farmland might soon be available in the US. This innovation, created by the start-up Savor, uses carbon dioxide (CO2) to make a vegan fat. This could help reduce carbon emissions and protect rainforests.

Savor’s “butter” is made in a way similar to how fossil fuels are processed, not food. Kathleen Alexander from Savor says, “There is no biology involved in our specific process.” This butter doesn’t need animals, fertilizers, hormones, or antibiotics. It’s real fat, not a substitute, so it carries the same calories and flavor without the environmental drawbacks.

Savor’s method involves taking CO2 and adding heat and hydrogen to create fat chains. These are then mixed with oxygen from the air to produce fats and oils similar to those we use in cooking. This process avoids the use of animals, palm plantations, and harmful chemicals, making it an efficient and eco-friendly method.

Savor is working with chefs to create recipes using this new butter. They are offering samples to professional chefs and bakers to test in their kitchens. This innovation could change how we make milk, ice cream, cheese, meat, and tropical oils.

Bill Gates, who supports Savor, highlights the benefits of this new butter in a blog post. He explains that the process does not release greenhouse gases, uses no farmland, and requires very little water. Importantly, it tastes like real butter because it chemically is.

Cows produce a lot of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. According to UC Davis, cattle are the largest agricultural source of greenhouse gases, contributing to 14.5% of global emissions. While there are dairy alternatives like margarine, these often rely on plant oils, which still need land and resources to grow. Palm oil, for instance, has been linked to deforestation and biodiversity loss.

Savor’s butter stands out because it doesn’t require the plants, animals, or chemicals used in traditional fat products. So far, Savor has raised over $33 million from investors like Breakthrough Energy Ventures and Climate Capital. The company hopes to bring its butter to the market soon and is also exploring making other products like milk, cheese, and tropical oils.

This new butter could be a big step towards more sustainable food production, offering the same taste and quality without the environmental impact.

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Tiny Saunas Help Frogs Fight Deadly Fungus

Renee Yates



A little heat might be the answer to help frogs fight a dangerous fungal infection.

Researchers have found that tiny brick saunas, warmed by the sun, can help green and golden bell frogs battle chytrid fungus. This fungus has been a major problem, causing declines in at least 500 amphibian species, including these frogs, which have disappeared from much of their natural habitat in Australia.

Chytrid fungus thrives in cooler temperatures but can’t survive above 86°F. Frogs, however, prefer slightly cooler temperatures, around 84°F, which still isn’t ideal for the fungus. Infection rates go up in winter when it’s colder.

Anthony Waddle, a conservation biologist at Macquarie University in Australia, wanted to see if warmer shelters could help frogs fight off the fungus. He and his team set up 12 outdoor habitats, each with water, fake plants, and black masonry bricks inside little greenhouses. Some habitats had only healthy frogs, while others had a mix of healthy and infected frogs. Half the shelters were shaded, and the other half were left in the sun to test different temperatures.

The frogs quickly made themselves comfortable in the saunas. When it was about 68°F to 77°F outside, the unshaded bricks provided an extra 15 to 20 degrees of warmth. The shaded shelters were about 4.5 degrees cooler than the unshaded ones.

Frogs in the warmer, unshaded shelters had higher body temperatures and milder infections over the 15-week study. Even shaded saunas helped infected frogs fight the disease, increasing their survival rate to be similar to that of healthy frogs.

Frogs that overcame the infection were less likely to get sick again. The study found that frogs that had fought off the fungus before were 23 times more likely to survive a reinfection.

These saunas could be a big help for bell frogs and other urban-dwelling amphibians. “Bell frogs used to live in people’s toilets and letterboxes and everywhere before chytrid,” says Waddle. “Creating these warm habitats might help them increase their numbers again.”

The shelters are cheap and easy to build, so frog enthusiasts could set them up in their gardens, says Erin Sauer, a disease ecologist at the University of Arkansas.

However, not all frog species will benefit from these warm hideouts, cautions Cori Richards-Zawacki, an amphibian biologist at the University of Pittsburgh. Some species that like cooler environments, like the Panamanian golden frog, might not find these saunas helpful and could even become more vulnerable to the fungus at higher temperatures.

“Chytrid is a massive problem,” Waddle says. While the study doesn’t offer a complete solution, it does provide some hope.

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South Sudan’s Major Effort to Protect World’s Largest Mammal Migration

Shannon Jackson



South Sudan is working hard to protect the largest land mammal migration in history. The country has teamed up with the nonprofit African Parks to safeguard the many species that depend on this ecosystem.

The migration helps animals like the white-eared kob, tiang, Mongalla gazelle, and bohor reedbuck survive seasonal changes. The goal of the partnership is to protect up to six million animals on the east bank of the White Nile, a tributary of the Nile River.

Despite facing challenges like flooding, famine, and a recent civil war, many animals have survived by following ancient migration routes. They travel through “No Man’s Land,” vacant areas left by indigenous tribes for the animals to pass through. In 2022, African Parks and South Sudan signed a 10-year agreement to manage Boma National Park and Bandingilo National Park, both located in these areas, to help protect the species.

Researchers knew about the migration but didn’t understand it well. To learn more, African Parks, South Sudanese students from Juba University, and local people conducted aerial surveys over six months in 2023. They collected data daily, counting and identifying each species. They found that the animals moved in a circular route influenced by rainfall, as they searched for water resources.

David Simpson, park manager for African Parks, shared his experience from one of the surveys. “We flew for the first 30 to 40 minutes, and we didn’t see anything. I was like, ‘Oh, no, maybe it’s over. Maybe the wildlife has already disappeared,'” he told ABC News. “Then we get out there and we start hitting one, two, three, four. Then we start hitting hundreds and then we start hitting thousands, and then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands.”

To better understand the animals’ movements, African Parks began collaring species involved in the migration, as well as giraffes, lions, Nile lechwe, elephants, and cheetahs. Last year, rangers collared 126 animals across different species, and this year they collared 127, with plans to increase the number each year.

South Sudan is home to seventeen ethnic groups, each relying on the animals for clothing, shelter materials, medicine, and cultural traditions. They see the migration as a sacred symbol of abundance and prosperity. The communities are also working with African Parks to learn conservation measures that reduce threats to wildlife.

“Most people view the migration as something that has been going on for centuries,” Anthony Abang John Urbano, a member of the Bahr el Ghazal tribe, told ABC News. Urbano has worked as a backseat observer during the aerial surveys and continues to work as a control operator with African Parks. “When it comes to some specific communities, [the migration is] a mystery, but they all are benefiting from the same migration — it’s a mutual benefit,” he said.

African Parks has hired many indigenous members to help bridge the gap between conservation and the needs of local communities. Together, they work to raise awareness about animal conservation and involve the community in preserving the ecosystem.

“They are really proud that we are exposing that natural resource, especially the wildlife under conservation of South Sudan,” said Juanna Kenneth Ali, a member of the Moru tribe and a technician for African Parks. “They are really proud that I am part of a group who did great work exposing our nature to the world.”

As South Sudan faces increasing human development, including road construction and bushmeat poaching, the sustainability of wildlife and ethnic communities is threatened. African Parks predicts that without continued partnership and education on conservation, the animals could disappear within five to ten years. However, they stress that conservation must be balanced with tourism to help boost the economy.

“When it comes to understanding the wildlife and interacting with communities, human development can only lead to a sign of an animal losing its natural behaviors and, some suggest, losing agility,” noted Mapour Kuot Mungu, a control operator for African Parks’ South Sudan team and a member of the Bahr el Ghazal tribe. “With time, these animals become vulnerable to practices being caused by humans.”

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Basketball Star in the Making: One Man’s Amazing Journey

Shannon Jackson



Nkwain Kennedy Lamiress is chasing his basketball dreams all the way from Cameroon, Africa. He’s become famous on social media for his hard work and positive attitude. Even NBA players are taking notice!

Kennedy doesn’t have fancy equipment or courts to practice on. Instead, he uses what he can find – stairs, tires, and bottles. He shares videos of his training on TikTok and Instagram, where millions of people follow him.

“I’m going to say something that’s hard to hear. You’ll have to let people underestimate you,” Kennedy says in one of his popular videos. He believes in himself, even when others don’t.

Kennedy’s dedication has caught the eye of some big names in basketball. NBA champion Stephen Curry started following him online. Another player, Lamar Odom, was so impressed that he sent Kennedy new shoes and basketballs.

Every day, Kennedy wakes up early to do chores. Then he walks 25 minutes to a clay court where he practices for hours. After that, he lifts weights in a homemade gym.

Making it to the NBA is incredibly hard. Less than 1% of all basketball players in America make it. The odds are even tougher for someone from another country. But Kennedy isn’t giving up.

Life in Cameroon isn’t easy. The country has been at war for years, and many people live in poverty. Sometimes Kennedy has to stop practicing and run for safety when there’s fighting nearby.

Despite these challenges, Kennedy stays positive. He wants to inspire other kids in Cameroon. “It doesn’t matter where you come from, you can achieve what you want,” he says.

Kennedy often posts inspiring messages online. Some of his favorites are:

  • “Believe in yourself and you will be invincible.”
  • “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.”
  • “Quitting is not an option. I will keep working till I become better at this.”

Kennedy shows that with hard work and a good attitude, you can chase your dreams no matter where you’re from or what obstacles you face.

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Anglers Take Action: Buying a River to Save Endangered Salmon

Kelly Taylor



Alarmed by dwindling salmon populations, a dedicated group of anglers in Scotland has taken a bold step. The Blairgowrie Rattray and District Angling Association (BRDAA) recently purchased a four-mile stretch of the River Ericht, a vital spawning tributary for the River Tay system.

The Ericht, flowing through the town of Blairgowrie, has seen a concerning decline in salmon stocks. The BRDAA blames factors like historical water extraction for industry and low water levels. These conditions make upstream migration difficult for salmon, already stressed and vulnerable to predators.

“Salmon stocks are falling across Scotland,” said Grant Kellie, a BRDAA member and representative of the Scottish Gamekeepers Association’s fishing group. “Rod catch numbers are at a record low.” He pointed to water abstractions – diversions for mills and fish farms – alongside aging Victorian weirs as culprits disrupting water flow, especially during dry periods.

The BRDAA is no stranger to conservation efforts. For years, their members have participated in river cleanups, planted trees, and managed invasive species. Owning this section of the river strengthens their position when advocating for change.

“This is not just an issue on the Ericht,” Kellie emphasized. “Many Scottish rivers face similar challenges, hindering the migration of these crucial fish.” He called upon the Scottish government to take decisive action and implement effective strategies to protect salmon. “The current national strategy isn’t working,” he declared. “With salmon now endangered, time is running out for this iconic species.”

Despite the challenges, the BRDAA remains hopeful. Early signs are encouraging, with 38 salmon caught and released this year during the spring run – a key spawning period. They believe their expanded control over the river will provide valuable data to support their lobbying efforts.

The BRDAA’s initiative has garnered praise. “They deserve great credit for taking this critical step,” said George Thomson of the SGA Fishing Group. “This demonstrates their deep passion for salmon and their commitment to this way of life.”

The Scottish government has yet to comment on the BRDAA’s actions, but one thing is clear: these determined anglers are taking matters into their own hands to ensure the future of salmon in the River Ericht.

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