In Cambodia, a man named Has Kea has found a creative way to tackle plastic pollution. He recycles tons of plastic into brooms, helping his community...
In a heartwarming turn of events, a 16-year-old Shih Tzu named Bear embarked on an unexpected adventure that left his owner, Jenny Hazard, both frantic and...
The Mojave Desert, with its vast, arid landscape, is home to the iconic Joshua tree. These unique trees have a fascinating history, once coexisting with Giant...
New Zealand, known for its stunning landscapes and unique wildlife, is home to the kiwi, a flightless bird and the country’s national icon. The kiwi is...
Did you know that apes like to tease and prank each other, just like humans do? Researchers have found that chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans engage...
In the bustling city of Las Vegas, one parent’s determination to help his daughter catch up on her reading has led to the creation of a...
In a remarkable story of bravery and skill, a K9 police dog named Biza became a hero in Auburn, Massachusetts. Biza, a female German Shepherd with...
Imagine finding a living dinosaur right in your backyard. That’s almost what happened when scientists discovered the Wollemi Pine in Australia, a tree they thought had...
In a small village named Kuligów in central Poland, an adventurous little puppy named Ryszard found himself in a big, unexpected adventure. Ryszard, an 8-month-old pup,...
Imagine getting $1,000 every month, for free! That’s what happened to some people in Austin, Texas. The city started a program called a guaranteed income program,...