Alarmed by dwindling salmon populations, a dedicated group of anglers in Scotland has taken a bold step. The Blairgowrie Rattray and District Angling Association (BRDAA) recently...
In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have identified a marine fungus with the ability to break down polyethylene, a common plastic, when exposed to UV light. This...
A six-hour road trip in northern Western Australia turned into a unique adventure when Emily Pledger saw an unusual post on her community’s Facebook page. “Is...
Isaiah Hofer, a farmer from Manitoba, recently faced the challenge of dealing with an enormous surplus of potatoes. “Last year was an exceptional year for potatoes,”...
Over 8,000 hectares will be preserved to enhance wildlife and biodiversity. Forestry England’s new initiative will focus on four areas: Castle Neroche in Somerset, Kielder Forest...
A 13-year-old girl named Kai Xue has become the first person to recover from a rare and challenging medical condition known as Wild syndrome, thanks to...
Jack Milton, a remarkable 100-year-old World War II veteran, experienced a momentous occasion that many only dream of: receiving his college diploma, a milestone that was...
Solar balconies are catching on quickly in Germany, where homeowners are tapping into solar power right from their balconies. This trend is part of a broader...
Millions of birds take flight across Texas each spring, but their journeys can be perilous. Illuminated skyscrapers pose a deadly threat, attracting and disorienting birds during...
Willow Hamrick, a spirited six-year-old, is being honored this weekend at the annual Walk to Cure Arthritis for her brave fight against the condition. Diagnosed at...