In a heartwarming story from Georgia, Sgt. Mark Tappan of the Alpharetta Police Department shares the incredible bond he has with his K9 partner, Mattis, in...
A gardener who created a synthesizer to make music from plants is now taking his unique performances to new live audiences. Martin Noble-James, a gardener at...
Hannah Graham, a Sunderland mum, created a heartfelt drawing to express her gratitude to the “absolute treasure” of an anaesthetist and his team who helped her...
By age 14, Dorothy Jean Tillman had already earned her associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees. Despite these remarkable accomplishments, she confided to her mother, Jimalita Tillman,...
In an exciting development for wildlife enthusiasts, the endangered short-tailed bats have been heard in Wellington, New Zealand, marking their first recorded presence in the area...
In an exciting development for birdwatchers, a “mega-rare” blue rock thrush was spotted for the first time in U.S. history at Oregon’s Hug Point State Recreation...
Solar balconies are catching on quickly in Germany, where homeowners are tapping into solar power right from their balconies. This trend is part of a broader...
At 39 years old, Benard McKinley has transformed his life in a remarkable way. Recently released from prison in December 2023, McKinley is now preparing to...
Willow Hamrick, a spirited six-year-old, is being honored this weekend at the annual Walk to Cure Arthritis for her brave fight against the condition. Diagnosed at...
In two days, Georgia will witness its largest sea turtle release ever on Jekyll Island. The Georgia Sea Turtle Center announced that over 30 turtles will...